Monday, January 24, 2011
A. Row 500m
B. 75 Burpees for time.
C. 50 GHD Sit-ups
Coach’s notes: Perform in any order and rest as needed between sets. Post results and order to comments.
A. Row 500m
B. 75 Burpees for time.
C. 50 GHD Sit-ups
Coach’s notes: Perform in any order and rest as needed between sets. Post results and order to comments.
1.Burpees 6:02
1.Burpees 6:02
Sorry about that.
1.Burpees 6:02 (need some work)
2.GHD Sit-ups – 1:21
3. 500 meter row – 1:38
B. 3:56
C. Did a couple sets of 10… I knew 50 would do me in (now now but in 2 days), haven’t done these in a while.
A. 1:38.0 Just wanted sub 1:40, no PR today
FUN class!!!! Thanks Trevor
A. 1:56.6
C. 12:33
B. 4:25
Thanks, Trevor, for the help.
Oops, that should read A. B. C.
C. 1:58
B. 5:49
A. 1:54
Fun class thanks Trevor!! *I’m just happy I came – burpees and row are awful for me! Unlike Kris, Audra – energizer bunnies!!! Old guy, awesome time on GHD situps! Nice wodding with you again kris, Rhiannon – nice work 9:30ers
B. 4:39
A. 1:51
C. 3:45
Paced the burpees too much, had a lot left in the tank. The row was going well until I thought 400m meant 500m and then doing GHD after a row was a bad idea, huge headache.
Thanks Chantal, especially for the push on the row
B. 5:53
C. 1:56 – Did 100 regular sit-ups instead of GHD.
A. 2:01 I really need to work on this.
Great work tonight Katie. You literally left it all on the floor.
Thanks Chantal, great coaching as always.
B. 5:56
A. 1:47
C. 3:47
B: Burpees – 4:37
C: GHD – 6:37
A: Row – 1:51
Used it all up on the burpees. Never fully recovered.
A. 1:43
B & C – lost track of time
A. 2:04
B. 6:30
C: 3:29
A. 136.3
B. 5:25
C. 2:48
Thanks DJ
B: Burpees- 4:12
A. Row – 1:57
C. GHD- 2:44- my head did not like these!
Thanks DJ…Nice work on the row Kimmer and Katie!
A: 1:46
B: 8:41
C: 2:30
I’ve just crawled up from the floor to type this..
B: burpees- 5:06- one speed here..slow
C: GHD- 1:53
A: 1:48 first 250m dream like fast and then holy blank, trying to hang on for dear life..if it wasn’t for the yells from Chantal and Anita I wouldn’t have finished. Thanks so much.Haven’t felt that sick in a very long time, my kind friend Anita drove me home in MY car (thanks Anita:). Thanks for the awesome coaching Chantal!
B: 6:??- delirious, lost track of time!
A: 2:06
C: 103 Anchored abmat sit-ups 3:30
Thanks for the GHD lesson, DJ!
Katie your row time was 1:46 not 1:48. I know b/c I had to write it down for you while you were laying on the floor.
C. 2:15
B. 6:23
A. 1:35
C: 100 ab mat sit ups (first time learning ghd sit ups, did 15 or 20 in warm up) 3:30
B: burpees – 6:18
A: row – 2:01
C: 2:22
B: 4:53
A: 1:36.9
Thanks DJ, for what I am not sure……..but something…maybe.
Next time you catch Rory quitting, beat him with a dowel.
A. 2:02 @ damper 7
B. 50 burpees: 6:16
C. 75 ab mat sit ups: 2:34
Scaled due to injury
Thanks, Chantal and 5:00’ers
B: 5:08 (felt even worse than they normally do already)
C: 100 anchored sit-ups b/c of back: 2:05
A: right calf cramped roughly half way through
Thanks DJ!!
A: Burpees 7:03
B: Row 1:35.02
C: 30/10/10 3:30
This wod should be known as ‘Three Ways to Induce Vomiting’
B. 5:40
C. 2:10, with pants malfunction
A. 1:49.7
disregard my ghd time- I didn’t touch the floor going back for every rep…normally I do but I didn’t this time.
A: 1:28 (PR) by alot
B: 2:25
C: 1:37
Took lots of rest between each. Left some in the tank on the row, but not on the burpees or GHD.