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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, January 10, 2011

As many rounds in 20 minutes:

250 m Row

15 DB Snatch, non dominant hand – 30#/20#

15 DB Snatch, dominant hand

Coach’s notes:  Post rounds complete to comments.

Last day to post a review on our Yelp or Google pages and be entered in the prize draw for a $50 Edges Salon Gift Card and a 1-hr Private Session with a CFC Coach (2 separate draws).

Comments: 21

Did Sat workout at home. Will post there

Hey, Krista stole Colin’s socks!! Did Fran today as rx’d 3:43 PR by 39 seconds. Thanks Todd, Krista, Ali and everyone else in the 9:30 class for the cheering. Pukie was dangerously close to paying me a visit afterwards!!

Scaled to 22.5#
4 rounds + 1 row
Nice work 9:30
Thanks Todd!

12 reps short of 4 rounds w/ 15# Thanks, Todd. Way to crush Fran, Chelsea. Super job.

5 Rnds of Rowing 4 Rnds of DB Snatch
As RxD

To say my DB Snatch form was crappy would be a compliment.

Thanks Todd for a another great class!

5 rounds + just enough time to sit on the rower.
Thanks for the push today Krista!

Thank you Todd for a great class!

Nice work with Fran today Chels. Thanks for keeping Pukie at bay!!!!!

As rx’d (30 lbs is heavy for me)

2 rds + 250 m + 15L + 10R

My left and right legs were battling each other for non-dominance.

Also, I posted a comment on Google.

5 rounds + a whopping 67 m….DB snatch fun….rowing sucked!
Thanks DJ!

Scaled to a measly 7.5 pounds!
4 rounds + 1 row
Struggled with form today….
Good class DJ!

scaled to 20lbs, made it through 4 rounds and 75m row. Kept losing balance on the DB snatch.

3 rounds + row and 10 left hand snatch.
Not a big fan of DB snatch.

4 rds + 250 m row + 5 DB snatches with right arm
I wasn’t going full squat with my left arm, sometimes i did and sometimes i didn’t. I was also switching arms every 5 reps!

3 rounds + 250 row + 11 Left DB Snatches at Rx
Had to redo a few reps along the way due to BAD form.

I guess “What you suck at makes you stronger, better, faster!” eh coach.

as rx’d
2 rounds + 15 left and 6 right DB snatches

As rx’d… 7 DB snatch short (right arm) of 5 rounds *tried catching Ali!!! not quite! hee hee
Fun class at 9:30 – thanks Todd! Chelsea, you are unreal!!! sweet FRAN and PR today!!!

Warmup did me in before the WOD. Managed 3 complete rounds and rowed the fourth. Alternated between 15, 20 and 25 lb and switching arms every 5 reps. Legs a little wobbley after.

Sweet PR Chelsea!!!

Modified snatches to accommodate my back. Did 30 hang power cleans with 42# barbell.
3 complete rounds with lots of rest between sets and exercises.

Thanks a lot DJ!!!

4 rnds @ 12.5 lbs.
Thanks Chantal!!
Awesome job on Fran Chelsea:)

4 rounds row, 3 full rounds of DB snatch with 4th round @ 8 reps/arm. Struggled on this one as my flexibility is simply not there yet. Left arm (non-dominant) was ugly at times. Thanks Chantal!

as rx’d – 4 rounds + row

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