Monday, February 25, 2008
Front Squat – 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Coach’s notes: Hit your maximum 2 repetition front squat. Rest somewhere between 2 and 5 minutes between sets. Post loads for all 8 sets to comments.
Front Squat – 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Coach’s notes: Hit your maximum 2 repetition front squat. Rest somewhere between 2 and 5 minutes between sets. Post loads for all 8 sets to comments.
Great ambassadors for Crossfit Calgary! Thanks guys!
As Rx’d
Would have needed the option of dumping the weight (without getting kicked out of the gym) to go any heavier.
Still unsure if technique is absolutely correct…
Today’s class – not sure of reps but
Neil – 169 max
Me – 79 max
Lots of fun…..I think we will go back for more!!! 🙂
CrossFit Workout at the YMCA with Todd:
1 round (for time) = 26:36
25 hang cleans (10#body bar)
25 pushups (15 military, 10 knees)
25 HC (15# dbells)
25 wallball (11# rubber ball)
25 HC (20# dbells)
25 situps
25 HC (20#wallball)
25 box jumps
25 HC(25# dbells)
25 KB swings (37lb)
25 HC (15lb bodybar)
25 jumping chinups
Ok so again, seriously scaled due to what I am carrying already out front…85lbs
5 reps x 8 (at least) deep sets…
LOVE THE SQUATS..hate the thought of 400 lunges!!!