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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, February 23, 2009

Knees to Elbows on the minute:

Coach’s notes:  Post number of minutes complete to comments.


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Comments: 11

ahh yes.. the work out is still going on from sunday…

Sorry, wrong post. Here you go.

Did yesterday’s WOD today since Sunday is my day of rest…with modifications & substitutions too numerous mention :), time was 20:42.

15 rounds + 10

Straight through for the first 11 rounds, broken into twos and threes for the last couple. Somehow managed this without tearing my hands!

10 + 7… went from doing rounds straight thru in 30sec or less to not be able to hold onto the bar at all… grip totally failed. so i did the burpee on the minute workout from the other day after… 13 + 13

12 + 12
Thanks for your help on deadlifts Chantal and Brett.

Neil 16 rounds + 15
Judy 14 rounds +14

13 + 10

straight through til round 12….after that my knees just could not touch my elbows 14 times..

13+ 13.

Ripped a nice little patch out of my hand as a souvenir too!

11 minutes + 8 (knees never made it all the way to the elbows)
I’m off to toasty warm TX. See you all in two weeks!

Have a good trip, Katrin!

10+8 (still not to elbows…YET!)

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