Monday, February 11, 2008
35, 20, 15, 10 rep rounds for time of:
KB swing
Push-Up Burpies
Coach’s Notes: Guys use 1.5 pood or 55lbs for the KB swing and gals use 35 lbs. Post time to complete to comments.
The CrossFit Calgary t-shirt contest slogans are in! Vote on your favorite submission by clicking here.
Dumb-bell swings 55#
Fran as a warm-up
Grant 10:38 (55lb KB)
Kathleen 12;18 (37lb KB)
Good workout thanks Trevor!
12:18 (21lb KB / Girl push-ups)
Gord 8:38 (44 lb KB)
Laura 11:10 (16kg/35lbs KB)