Monday, December 23, 2019
In any order complete all:
A. AMRAP rope climbs in one set – no floor touch = rx’d.
B. Row 500m
C. 10 Alternating Barbell Split Jerk for load.
D. Max Cals in 30s – erg of choice.
E. 50 two foot jumps over dowel for time – 24”/20”
Been away for a few weeks – not feeling very fit today.
A. 5 rope climbs
B. 1:47 500 m row
C. 95# split jerks unbroken
D. 29 cals on bike
E. 35 seconds for 50 jumps 24”
Thanks Todd. Feeling totally exhausted after a full workout of sprints. Merry Christmas everyone.
7 rope climbs
1:43. 500m row
45 sec for 50 jumps 24”
75# for jerks. Forearms and quads were toast with all these sprints
Screwed on the bike. Peddled for 15-20 sec then realized it wasn’t counting. Pfft!! Done!!
Thanks Todd !!
Fun times at 9am. Great job everyone!
A: 8 (came down to quickly and lost grip)
E: 34 secs (skiing is my jam)
C: 185# (could have gone to 195#)
B: 1:30.8 (wanted 1:29 something, so I was close
D: 29.9 cals on bike (was in the floor for 14 mins after)
Thanks Josh!