Monday, December 20, 2021
Pyramid Double Helen – For time complete:
1200m Row
63 KB Swings – 1.5/1.0 pood
36 Pull-ups
800m Row
42 KB Swings
24 Pull-ups
400m Row
21 KB Swings
12 Pull-ups
1200m Row
63 KB Swings – 1.5/1.0 pood
36 Pull-ups
800m Row
42 KB Swings
24 Pull-ups
400m Row
21 KB Swings
12 Pull-ups
28:19 on the bike. (72/48/24 cals). (29:19 on the clock but started minute late due to a kerfuffle with the bikes). So grippy. My arms are gonna pay for that tomorrow.
Thanks Todd!
Cals in the bike (72/48/24)
KBS were surprisingly the easiest part. That and settling into a decent pace on the bike.
Thanks Todd!
20:44, probably coulda, shoulda pushed a little harder, but felt like staying “safe” today;)
Nice work in the 6am and the 9:30 classes so far today! Welcome Abhi and Chris to their first WOD’s with us!!!!
21:51 Rx’d.
Thanks Todd!
After 67 days away from CFC, this was not the return to play workout I wanted to see 😂😂😂
Nevertheless, got ‘er done!
Rowed and kipped.
25:01 with about a minute and a half of rest waiting for my dad to get off the rower 😂.
Great to be back!
Bike 72/48/24
Pull-ups all singles
Biked 72/48/24
Kettlebell 1.5 pd sets of 21+
Pull-ups mostly sets of 6 and 5
Thanks Shannon, great work 6pm
(I’m in danger)….
Biked ( 72/48/24)
KB rx
Banded pull-ups
Thanks Shannon