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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, December 14, 2009

Part 1 – Deadlift  5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Part 2 – Half “Rhiannon”

As many reps in 5 minutes of Double Unders

Coach’s notes:  Post load for each set of deadlifts and total number of double unders to comments.

Comments: 17

115 x 5
125 x 5
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5

Double Unders: 228

DL – 155/160/165/170/175
DU’s – 67

115/ 145/ 175/ 205/ 245 x 5
Double Unders 201

Deadlift: 115/135/155/165/170
Double unders: 213
Thanks DJ! Great coaching on the deadlift.

DL – 275/295/315/335/355

I was pretty happy with the deadlift in general. I feel like I kept the form strong up until the last 2 reps at 355.

Double-unders: 327

I thought 350 should have been pretty doable, but my forearms got fried pretty quick.

DU’s: 198 Yayy- It’s a miracle – I didn’t spaz out!
Thanks DJ for the great coaching!

145/175/195/205/210*or 215* mind is mush right now can’t remember – but did 3 only
DU’s: took a raincheck! had to run
**Katie!!!! nice DU’s: yipppeee!!! keep going – your numbers are awesome!
wow are there some strong x-fitters! great work everyone – cory you killed today’s wod!!!

DL: 210/225/235/240(#5 was ugly)/240X4
DU: 62 – still haven’t gotten my DU mojo back. I think Karen took it.

155/165/175/185/190 if I had time I probably could have done 195.
DU = 157 I’m finally getting a hang of those suckers. They felt pretty bad when I first started but then I relaxed into the rythym and I was able to string together some nice sets.

134 DU’s

Neil 225/235/245/255/265 DU 79
Judy 125/130/135/140/145 – DU 159

Wow Karen you did great..are you ever getting strong!!

155/265/315/335/345/365/375 last one was a bit of a struggle to lock out at the top
DU: 73 lots of trouble turning the rope my wrist we pretty fried

155/255/315/335/355 x 2 only

125 DU’s, first time trying my knee w DU’s in 8 weeks
felt okay but kept weight way forward to use toes to lessen impact.


378 DU’s

175 DU

127 du

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