Monday, December 1, 2008
1 round for time:
50 DB Thrusters
10 Jumping Pull Ups
40 DB Thrusters
20 Jumping Pull Ups
30 DB Thrusters
30 Jumping Pull Ups
20 DB Thrusters
40 Jumping Pull Ups
10 DB Thrusters
50 Jumping Pull Ups
Coach’s notes: Guys use 30 lbs and gals use 20 lbs for thrusters. Jumping pull ups are with wrist above just above the bar. Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to October 26, 2008
All right, Grant, take a look. Does this look like a man who is maintaining a calm state of mind during his double unders? Get the hands lower, relax the face. We now have proof!!
Wow Grant you look intense….. time for a holiday
3 rounds for time of
15 65# OHS
400m Row
10 pull ups
Time = 12:10 Tough one!
Grant, I warned you this photo would show up and to think that is actually pretty relaxed for you.
mostly rx’d…squat wasn’t A2A & the chin wasn’t above the bar in the latter reps. Time was 30 min something. Had a stopwatch malfunction
“Starting Strength” routine
Back Squat 135×5, 165×2, 185×1, 205×1, 215×1. WORK SETS: 235x5x3
Bench Press 45x5x2, 95×3, 115×3, 135×1. WORK SETS: 147x5x3
Deadlift 135×5, 185×3, 205×2, 245×1, 275×1. WORK SETS: 295x5x1
misread this one, did DB swings instead of thrusters…oops
gord-13:36 as rx’d
Laura-19:32 as rx’d
impressive performances before the 8pm class
DJ on “karen
Michelle on the games work out of deadlift /burpies
Steve G- dead lift
way to go guys!!!
14:15 as rx’d (last time 13:44)…but my form was the best it has ever been on the thrusters…
still trying to improve mental aspect of Crossfit…on sets 20 and 30 of jumping pull-ups I broke it into sets yet on sets 40 and 50 I did them straight through which tells me I did not have to break up the previous sets…
Pre-WOD deadlift – 401 X 1…seemed to help my thrusters…
DJ – great work on Karen…you have a sub 5 min in you!
Michelle – good work on DL/BP and L-sits…and thanks for counting my reps!…my counting can suck sometimes…
finally great work to everyone else in class…you all pushed on hard on this tough WOD!!
22:18 as rx’d