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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, August 31, 2009

As many rounds in 20 minutes:

5 Barbell Cleans

10 Jump Squats

15 Dumbbell Push Press

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 155 lbs and gals 95 lbs for cleans (catch is full squat), and 30 lbs and 20 lbs respectively for the push press.  Post number of rounds completed to comments.

Reminder – The Gymnastics Targeted Training classes will be starting Sept. 27.  Click here for registration info and more details.

Hello Preschoolers
CrossFit class at 1pm today (Monday) will be held on Friday at 1pm at Arbour Lake (weather permitting, of course) for this week only.  Starting after Labour Day weekend, CrossFit Preschoolers will be held on Sundays at 3 pm.  CrossFit Calgary has Preschool CrossFit classes for children aged 2.5 to 5 years.  Classes are $12 for drop in or $40/month for membership.

Comments: 30

7 rnds @75# Squat Clean. That sucked!

Good job Krista!!!

Are the jump squats with 155# too? Or are they just body weight?

Jump squats are just body weight. Jumping with 155# on your back sounds dangerous!

To any people interested in weightlifting shoe order, I got some details about shipping and some things like that, timeframe and pricing. Right now there are 3 of us ordering, but I wanted to give a few more days for people to think about it. If anyone else is interested, you can post the model and size you want, or email me at tahylorlaw@hotmail.com, and I will include your order with ours. Thanks and see everyone at 6!

8 rnds -3 DB push presses, 85# for cleans, 20 lbs for DBs
yikes! thanks for pushing me on with this one!
Another great class Laura!

7 rds + 5 + 10
Used 55lbs for cleans (sore back) otherwise prescribed.

100 lbs for clean
30 lbs per hand for PP
6 rds + 5 + 6
Limiting factor was getting out of full squats with barbell

7 rnds plus 5 cleans
47 lbs for cleans
15 lbs for DB PP

9rds plus cleans and squats.
3rd or 4th workout that showed pretty clear I am a bit fried and need some rest. Last couple workouts I have had someone tell me my eyes look tired and fried, and today Brett echoed I looked weak. Front squats were awful and that shouldnt have been. So unless an epic WOD comes up, I will see everybody in about a week I think.

8 rounds even with 75lb cleans and 20 for PP. My cleans are awful – my list of things I need to “work at” is getting longer with every workout.

Well as Lynette so succintly put — I just played in my own workout world today…
Did completely different WOD due to injury.

Katie – don’t be so hard on yourself. Your continual improvement in strength is noticeable, and your form stays clean even when you aren’t feeling “so hot”….

There, see what happens when my w/o has 90 sec breaks in them!! Just become a critic….

Good job tonight everyone!

Missed the “full squat catch” in the instructions so we both hammered out Power Cleans. Oops.
Blaine: 8 rounds
Rebecca: 8 rounds + 1

Katie – you are totalllllly kicking it lately!!! you’re awesome keep up the good work!

DJ – 12 rounds + 1 as rx’d
Brittany – 9 rounds @ 75#

8 rds as rx’d

Neil – 105 lb cleans & 30 lb DB PP – 5 rds plus 3 cleans
Judy – 52 lb cleans & 20 lb DB PP- 5 rds plus 2 cleans
Katie if I could do the third of what you do I would be thrilled!! You have come along ways and you look great!

Oh yes, thanks alot for all your help Lindsay. Judy

7 rounds + 4 Cleans
125# cleans.. these need work, but are indeed improving. Thanks for the coaching.
Also, used a box to park the 30# dumbbells, I guess that was scaling as well.

Also, did Cindy at lunch 10 rounds + 5+ 10 +6

8 rounds plus 5 cleans and 10 jump squats as rx’d

Thanks for the clarification Cory. I thought about it and was only going to do bodyweight anyway…though I have seen guys do this before with as much as 225#. I know my knees wouldn’t be able to take it with weight though.

Anyways, 6 rounds for me as rx’d and I had a little more than a minute left over. Didn’t try anymore cleans.

Does anyone else have problems with cleans etc due to flexibility and muscle mass issues? I’m finding these pretty hard.

10 rounds + 2 cleans as rx’d…

the toughest part for me was the squat jumps…I felt they took away the explosiveness need for the cleans…

Tlaw I know first hand that tired/fried feeling…definitely rest up…there will be plenty of epic WODs later…

DJ…good job…it was fun to go head to head with you …it has been awhile..

6 rounds + 2 cleans with 145 pounds for the cleans

Bit off more than I could chew.
2 rounds at 155#, 2 rounds at 125# + cleans + 6 Jump squats.
+ at least as many failed cleans as successful at 155.
Oh well, got some strength work out of it.

Also, felt my weight leaning forward on my toes, i suspect i’m not catching properly and it’s pulling me forward.

7 rounds + 5 cleans as rx’d.

Cleans were at a slow pace the whole way through. The squats and push press were straight through.

Hessunit, if you are having flexibility issues in the clean I’d think you should work on your front squat, focusing on keeping your elbows up in a solid rack position. Francis, you actually looked good at the bottom of a lot of your cleans, but you just stalled coming out of the squat, which eventually results in your weight being pulled forward. Front squat practice for you too (all of this is in my unqualified opinion!)

Awe, we are all so lucky to be surrounded by such sweet, supportive people in CFC, oh and super strong and fit too. Oh and excellent coaching too. I guess that’s why we are always striving to improve.

9 rounds + 1 as rx’d

6 rounds + 1 clean
Scaled squat cleans to 67# for first round, then had to drop to 62# for the remainder. I couldn’t get out of the bottom of the squat twice in a row and decided that it was just too much weight for today.
Push press with 20# DB also felt heavy, but was manageable.
This was very tough, but also a lot of fun! Thanks Lindsey and Brett!


I think its awesome you even attempted 2 rounds @ 155lbs…I saw you fight through those…it was great to see!

9 rounds as rx’ed, 15 sec to spare-should have doen another clean or two. did it on wed

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