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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, August 3, 2009

22 minutes to complete:

2 RM Back Squat

400 m Run x 2

Coach’s notes:  You have exactly 22 minutes to work up to your heaviest double in back squat and run 2 x 400 m.  record your 2RM and your times for both 400 m runs.

Important Reminder –  the holiday schedule is in effect for today.  The 9:30 am and 6:00 pm classes are available for drop-in and member attendance.  Happy long weekend!

Comments: 18

Way to go Colleen! Forgive me if I’m a bit behind on congratulating you on the unassisted chin ups


this was pretty much my fav wod… back squats where we get to set our own rest and running… did 1st run 1:17 (may have been a sec or two faster than that), worked up to 165 lbs for 2rm and then did final run 1:16. runs were around corner to honda dealer.

I worked up to 255 for my 2RM. Tried 260 and failed on the second rep. Still disappointing numbers for back squat, but my previous 1RM was 250, so it is improving at least.

Runs were 1:10 and 1:14.

Back squats: succeeded at 105#, tried 115#, but failed second rep.
400m runs were both 1:33

Oh and THANKS Amy for sharing a bar with me!
Have an incredible trip!!!!!

Run 1 – 2:13
Run 2 – 2:12
worked up to 145# for back squat

Anytime Katrin! ..and good work on the unassisted pull ups!

Did a 800m run thinking that it would be the same as 2x400m which was 3:08 then did 2×320 for my RM

Did a 800m run thinking that it would be the same as 2×400m which was 3:08 then did 2×195 for my RM

run 1 – 1:29
run 2 – 1:40
back squat 305

~390m, just went around that little tree instead of to the curb.
1st run 1:07
95×5, 135×5, 165×2, 195×2, 205×2, 215×1 + 215 with a spot.
2nd run 1:09
215×1 + 215 with a spot.

Previous PR 215×1…. ugh

Row (for run): 1:37, 1:36
160×2, 165 x 1(PB), failed on second but if had gave the same umph as the 1st attempt, think would have made it.
THANKS to whoever put the rower back — realized when I got home.

Did the power clean push jerk workout
141 total, 72 power clean, 69 push jerk
Wt= 135#
150 is probable with better transitions, lost some time taking in and out of rack and will forgo it if this comes up again

1:38 and 1:34 for 400 m and 180 for 2RM, 185 for 1Rm also at end which is new PR for me for both. Thanks Brett

1:26 and 1:34 for the runs, 165 for 2RM did 170 for 2 singles. Will have to push the second rep out next time.


run 1 – 1:24 – ran around the tree instead of going to curb (OOPS). run 2 – 1:36
155 (PR), 165 (1RM – then forgot to reset and BREATH before my second attempt and failed)
Good workout. Thanks Brett.

Run: 1:30,1:29
worked up to 155 for RM Back squat – seeing as how this was my first time doing backsquat I guess that is now my PR. Thanks Brett!

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