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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, August 18, 2008

CFC Kids 

3 rounds for time:

15 Back Squats

30 Jump Squats

60 Air Squats

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 185 lbs and gals use 115 lbs for the back squat.  Post time to complete to comments.

Comments: 12


found this link….do you think crossfitters qualify? I do…

Day 2 of my twice a week 20-rep squat experiment.
Used 157lb again. This time successful at the full 20 reps in one set.
Next time will be 162lb. (bwt=152)

Today’s WOD had just too many squats for this ole gal…so I did Saturday’s WOD. As rx’d, 5 rounds in 16:15

Did the WOD but had to use 175 lbs for the back squats as my flexors are still toast from the Deathrace. Took 17:21 (pre-workout was watching my dog swim in the river and post workout was sitting with the dog outside in the sun. You guessed it I am on vacation!)

15:37 as rxd
then 2000 metre row 9:14 witha 30 second break at 1200…

As Rx’d


first time doing body weight squats with that many reps…killed my air squats…

Neil, 135 lbs – 17:24
Judy, 64 lbs – 21:18
Congratulations Michelle on your time doing Angie! Well done!

DJ – 15:53 as rx’d
Brittany – 18:25 as rx’d

Gord -11:18 as rx’d, but squat depth questionable on some reps and to quote Laura “your jump squats were awful”

Laura 105lbs squat- 15:56

as Rx’d – with 165 for the back squats


i am brand new to this cfc thing so it might take me a while to catch up to you all.

Back Squats at 65lbs 18:48

Just did this one in class (Oct. 22) as a substitute for the WOD due to shoulder issues.
13:45 as rx’d for women

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