Monday, April 25, 2011
3 rounds for time:
400 m Run
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups
Coach’s notes: Weight for the kettlebell swings is 1.5 pood for guys and 1.0 pood for gals. Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to August 29, 2010
3 rounds for time:
400 m Run
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups
Coach’s notes: Weight for the kettlebell swings is 1.5 pood for guys and 1.0 pood for gals. Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to August 29, 2010
Gord – ya look like a curious little kid who’s saying “hey whatcha doin?”
At the “Y” at 5:30 am. As rxd=10:02. Running was sluggish, kettlebells unbroken and I had a hard time with my pull-ups this morning. Did feel good to get it done after a weekend of gluttony on chocolate 🙂
16:01 Used blue band for pu’s. Thanks Erin
Got an extra sweat-on by doing 800m instead of 400m.
16:00 flat.
1) Unbroken KBs, Unbroken PeeYouz
2) Unbroken KBs, 6/6 Pee Youz
3) 14/7 KBs, 4/4/4 PeeYouz
As rx’ed 11:58.
11:27 worse than ever. Let’s blaime it on the lack of running and let’s do it again at the end of the summer. Pissed!!!!
as rx’d 12:59
First time doing this one. My last 400m was just not happening
as rx’d 12:38
First time as rx’d:
13:24 – only first round unbroken
First round was 3:30, last two averaged 4:57.
Previous efforts were with 1.25 pood
2008: 16:09
2010: 12:54
9:17 as rxd
New PR by 17 secs
First WOD using Butterfly Kips (Arms have a new kind of hurt)
Thanks Gord!
As rx’d 10.19 all unbroken.
RXd 11:22
As rx’d 10:46- PR by 1:18:) Pull ups: 6+6/6+4+2/4+3+1+1+1+1+1
Fun class! Thanks Gord for the great warm up and coaching!! Nice job 6ers! Happy Easter!!
Subbed ring rows so I wouldn’t tear my hands for Saturday
10:06, feels great to be running again.
Thanks Gord
as rx’d 13:15 the run needs some work
thanks Gord
Ah yes…Helen, we meet again. The last time we met, it was my very first WOD with CrossFit. My time then was 15:00 with a blue band for the pull-ups.
Less than 10 months later, my time is 11:02 as Rx’d. I look forward to the next time we meet. 🙂
Thanks Gord.
Damn, with that pic up there I had to show up today! This is the first time that Helen and I had the opportunity to dance. Turns out that neither of us like to slow dance 🙂 9:18 as rx’d, all unbroken. Thanks for being my rabbit Darren! Great class as always Gord!
Some great times for our first running WOD in a while. Things are looking good.
subbed ring rows for pullups to “baby” my hands a little 🙂
9:39 as rx’ed!
Thanks Gord! Whoo Hoo Katie! nice PR!
Hi Helen – was that your name?
Well, I wish I could say I was pleased to meet you. Not so much, really, but you did teach me some valuable lessons.
Thanks, Helen.
14:22 with blue band for pullups for first 2 rounds, green for last. 1.5 poods.
Building a grudge for next time this pops up on the WOD board.
lol @ Load’s first comment.
Good class Gord! Thanks
BION I’m imdpseser! Cool post!