Monday, April 21, 2008
“Fran” – 21, 15 ,9 rep rounds for time of:
95 lb Barbell Thruster
Coach’s notes: Gals use 65 lbs for the thruster. Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to Sunday, February 10, 2008
CROSSFIT CALGARY T-SHIRTS ARE NOW HERE! They are available for sale at OPT. Cotton shirts $10, Dri-Fit $20. Check them out!
First time “Fran” with Rx’d weight. After yesterday’s Cindy, this just about did me in.
Took me a lot of rest to do thrusters @ 95 lb.
45 lb barbell – no band for pull up (crazy…had to try it), all unassisted but had to do a few extra to makeup for the chin not going over
congrats Pierre for Fran as rx’d.
That’s some air time Derek!
Oh yeah, great job too Sdeering for 45 unassisted chin ups.
Congrats sdeering! That is awesome!!!
In Denver at Bally’s Gym.
Ridiculously busy and equipment was about a mile apart.
Iron man stopped when thrusting…no idea on time.
Is this supposed to be one round of thruster and pullups?
Fran–the day after Cindy, not sure if this middle aged body can handle that(glad it’s my day off, Fran will just have to wait until tomorrow)
As Rx’d
Neil – 75 lbs, 10:08
Judy – 32 lbs & green band assisted pullups, 13:26
Kelley – 42lbs, assisted pull-ups (started with green ended with black), 14:50
Amy – 45lbs, assisted pull-ups (green band), 14:52
As Rx’d
First time doing fran. The only frustrating part was I spent at least one minute trying to get my last pull up…
Good job Mack!! and make a speedy recovery….
Done on Tuesday
Lots of room for improvement
Need to start kipping
Need to work on form in thrusters.
Everyone, good work on Fran. Pierre, Mack & Steve-It’s a huge accomplishement to do it as RX’d. Now you know why it’s a benchmark WOD.
Did this with 38 lbs for thrusters and green band for assited pull ups. 10 mins
Definatly need to work on kipping as my arms felt it big time! and work on not using band as it takes longer to get into that thing than to do them, LOL
Good job everybody you all made it so much easier to finish! 🙂