Monday, April 19, 2010
A. Hang Snatch/Snatch Balance – 1.2 x 6 sets, rest 90 seconds
B. 21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time of:
Knees to Elbows
Coach’s notes: In Part A you are first doing a hang snatch for one rep. When you come out of the bottom (from a full squat), stand up to full extension, lower the bar to your back and then with a shallow dip of the knees drive yourself down into a full squat. Stand and repeat for a second rep (snatch balance x 2). This is one set. Increase load if appropriate and complete 6 sets. In Part B, guys use 65 lbs and gals 45 lbs for thrusters. Attempt to complete this WOD unbroken and fast. Post time to complete to comments.
A. 42, 52, 57, 62, 62, 65 lbs
B. 5:00 as rx’d *thrusters all unbroken, K2Es 10,11/5,5,5/3,6* I wish thrusters were always this weight!
Thanks Ali! great class! Aud, nice to see you back! you too Stacey!! nice wod everyone!!!
A. 32, 42, 52, 57, 62, 67- snatch balance seemed easier for me than hang snatch for some reason
B. 5:05 thrusters unbroken; K to E broken and slow….
Thanks for the tips Ali!
A. 45/65/75/85/95/105
B.7:55 missing K to E makes this way worse
Posted the following in the New York website (Crossfit Metropolis):
Thank you everyone at Crossfit Metropolis . Had a great time despite how much I hate front squats. I felt like if i was at home at my gym in Calgary. You are a nice group of people. I hope you come and visit us in Calgary. www.
135# x5
155# x5
165# x3 (lost form, weight going forward)
145# x3
155# x1
165# x1
175# x1 (failed)
thank you again! Chau New York for now
A: 22# x6
Need to work on keeping my knees over toes, and toes pointing more forward.
B: 6:23
21 and 9 Thrusters unbroken. Set of 15 broken into 5’s. This wasted a lot time!
A: Worked up to 65 lbs – some good form – some bad (pulled too low, jumped back on SB)
B: Went light and fast to save shoulder – 22 lb thrusters
Need to transition faster from fast K2E to swinging K2E when I start to tire
A: worked up to 65lbs
B: as rx’d – 6:55
A: worked up to 22 lbs
B: 22 lbs & K2E – Not! 7:57
A. worked up to 44 lbs.
B. modified workout tonight because of pulled muscle. 45lb thrusters and unanchored sit-ups. 3:32
Went to CFC exhausted from 5 days of morning till night packing, moving and unpacking, very little sleep and bad food choices. Not a great way to enter a WOD!
A: took it easy and did multiple sets at various weights up to 27#. Wasn’t trying to go heavy on these but rather work on form and speed.
B: 6:48 as rx’d – thrusters very much broken and painful. K2E’s went ok.
Thanks a lot Brett!
A: worked up slowly from dowel to 44# bar
B: 8:32
A. Worked on hang cleans instead of snatch up to 205.
B. 5:20 as rx’d.
A. Back squat instead. Up to 260×3.
B: 4:11 as rx’d. Tried unboken, but had to break K2E round of 15 & 9.