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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, April 11, 2022

A1.  Row/Ski – 800/1000-m X 4 sets, rest approx. 90s


A2.  Sumo Deadlift High Pull – 30 reps X 4 sets, rest approx. 90s


A3.  Peg Board – 3 assents X 4 sets, rest approx. 90s

Coach’s notes:

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Comments: 2

Uggghhhh. This was way worse than I anticipated. Lats are wrecked.
A1) Not very fast something like 3:45-4:00 per round
A2) worked at 95# did either 15/15 or 10/10/10
A3) one per round was all I had today.
Crossfit took my lunch money today..
Thanks Derek!

Even though I coached this one at 6:00am, I still didn’t appreciate how much of a grind it was going to be. Scaled appropriately so that I could finish all 4 rounds.
Time 48:00.
A1. Rowed and skied* –
*I thought that I would ski for the last round and only got to 500m before throwing in the towel and finishing on the rower. Arm’s just didn’t want to pull anymore.
A2. All rounds at 75#. 15/15 then 12/10/8 the rest of the way.
A3. Scaled these to two per round. That was plenty. Getting a foot cramp while at the very top of the peg board is not awesome. Doesn’t help with the descent either.
Thanks Syd! Great job 6:00am and 9:30am. Have fun evening crew!

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