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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, April 11, 2011

  1. 15 Pull-ups on the minute for 10 minutes
Rest 5:00
B.  20 Wallballs (unbroken) X 10 sets, rest 60s exactly
Coachs notes:  Post notes to comments.
This is a progression from March 10, 2011

Comments: 13

A: 15/13/for the other rounds, anywhere between 6-10 except one of the rounds was only 4! Sigh. Oh well, good practice for me.
B: With 14# ball- 20/20/Broken at 15 and 18/broken at 18/VERY BROKEN/switched to 12#-20/broken at 17/broken?/20/20
That was one tough wod mentally and physically! Great job by all in the morning class!! Thank you Ali for the super class!!

A: none of the sets were unbroken and was probably 50 pull ups short by the end. Amazing how fast a minute can go
B: 8# wb unbroken until the 5th set
I really hope there are not anymore progressions! Thanks Ali

Very NOT rx.
blue band pull ups x 10 x8 sets = 80
12lb wall ball @ 15 reps x 10 sets= 150

THANKS Chantal!

Neil –
A. 5 rds of 10 PU’s then added blueband 10/10/8/9/10
B. 18lbs – did only 5 rds of 20
A. blueband PU’s 10/10/10/10/10/9/8/8/6/10
B. 8lb WB x 12 reps – not all unbroken – last rd 8 reps after getting ball in face.
Tough WOD!
Thanks Chantal

tried my best but def. not as rx’d

good workout though, thanks brett and chantal

A. With blue + purple band: 5 x 15reps then had to scale down to 5 x 10reps
125 reps total
B. 10lb ball, 20 wallballs (very broken!) x 10 sets
Thanks Chantal!

Not rx
A. Green band assist tried to do 10 for the first few sets. Then it just ended up being bungee hangs. By the time round 8&9 came, it was more like 8 pu
B. 10lb WB X 2 reps of 10, 8lb WB X 9 reps of 10. Did an extra set to practice being closer to the bar.
Thanks for the challenge and the support Chantal

A: 15/10/10/10/10/10/10/5 (tore and had no grip left, so rested until next round)/10/8 (ran out of time)
B: 10# ball, 15 reps per round. All unbroken except round one when rep 13 bounced off my face

Arms are done!

Thanks Chantal! Great work 8 PM class!!

A: 15/15/13/13/13/13/13/13/13/13
B: 20# ball, 20 unbroken reps per round as rx’d

Pullups were great! Wallballs were another matter…

Pullups – done as rx’d with kip unbroken for the first 9 rounds, then had to do 5+5+5, but they were all done within the minute.

Wallballs – gross! My arms wouldn’t work… 20# ball: 5 sets were unbroken and the rest were something like 12+4+4.

Rest day tomorrow! Hands ripped today. I hope there are no pullups this weekend…

Thanks Ali!

Did 10 pull ups on the min and 15 wall balls. After rd#3 I wanted to quit! Felt very hard this time

A: 15 UB x 5 sets, 10 broken x 5 sets
B: As rx’d, felt good!
Thanks Chantal!

Did this on 04/12/2011 (Tuesday)

A) 15 / 15 / 15 / 3,5,3,2,3 / 5,3,3 / 4,3,3,2 / 4,3,3 / 3,2,2 / 1,1,1,1,2,1,2,1 / 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

B) 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 / 15,5 / 15,5 / 15,5 / 15,5 / 20

How’s that for detailed.

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