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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, September 4, 2009


5 rounds for max reps

Bench Press – body weight

Pull Ups

Coach’s notes:  This is not a timed workout.  Post reps for each set and total to comments.

Compare to March 5, 2009

Important Reminder – during Labour Day (Mon. Sept. 7) we will be on a holiday schedule for classes.  The 9:30 am class and 6:00 pm classes will be available for member and/or drop in attendance.

Hello Preschoolers
CrossFit class at 1pm today will be held at Arbour Lake (weather permitting, of course) for this week only.  Starting after Labour Day weekend, CrossFit Preschoolers will be held on Sundays at 3 pm.  CrossFit Calgary has Preschool CrossFit classes for children aged 2.5 to 5 years.  Classes are $12 for drop in or $40/month for membership.

Comments: 10

Pull-ups as Rx
Bench press scaled to 95Ibs


Bench 95 lb – 63% bodyweight
Total bench press: 48
Total pull-ups: 103

Bench scaled to 145# – 72.5% BW

Bench press – 11/10/9/8/7 = 45
Pull-ups – 26/22/22/23/25 = 118
Total – 163

I was happy with the pull-ups again today. My previous AMRAP pull-ups was 22 when we did Nicole. The numbers at the end suggest I may have been capable of more earlier, or else I was really taking a lot of rest.

Bench scaled to 165 pounds
Bench press 13/8/9/9/7
Pull-ups 9/15/13/12/6

Total – 101

my kipping rhythm is hit and miss. Some time it would be good and i was able to transition from one pull up to the next other times I would have to reset after ever rep

Bench press 25 (45lb)/20 (55lb)/13 (65lb)/6 (70lb)/6 (70lb) =70
Pull-ups 16/20/14/20/11 = 81
Total = 151

Bench Press scaled to 75 lbs pull-ups as rx’d
18/13, 20/14, 12/9, 12/12, 11/11
Bench press = 73
Pull-ups = 59
Total = 132
* Karen, Adelle, Aud – you girls did awesome today!!
Brett thanks for a great class

I didn’t think we could do bench presses at CF, but we can!
65lbs 14/14/13/12/7
PU with blue band
These kind of workout’s are great for team support.
Thanks Everyone!

Bench scaled to 115# – 70% BW

Bench press – 15/16/14/7/10
Pull-ups – 25/22/13/10/15

Didn’t have time to rest the last two sets

Neil – Bench scaled to 125lbs – 65% BW
Bench press – 11/11/8/9/7
Pull-ups – 11/12/12/11/5

im a few days behind… caught up with this one at a small gym here in VT… talk about constantly varied… scaled bench to 95lbs (65% bw)… their pull-up bar was sturdy but diameter was small… took a bit to get used to as 4th round was my best. also added a spotter the 3rd-5th rounds… i was obviously stopping short my 1st and 2nd round although i didnt think i was. oh and i didnt rest between bench and pull-ups, i walked 10ft to the bar and jumped on.
12/10 (pronated grip)
8 (might have been 10)/9 (sup grip)
12/6 (pro grip)
9/12 (sup grip)
9/8 (sup grip)
Lynn was my first WOD at CFC back in march ’08!

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