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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, September 18, 2009

7 rounds for load:

3 Power Snatch


9 Back Squat

Coach’s notes:  You cannot set the bar on the floor the entire set (Bear style).  The power snatch must be touch and go.  Rest as you see fit in between sets.  Post load for each set to comments.

Comments: 16

I am placing the shoe order this weekend, so today will probably be the last day, maybe tomorrow morning to post sizes and model numbers on here so that I can get them and make sure they get into the order. Thanks for those that already sent info to me

22 / 33 (failed @ 2nd OHS)/33/38/42(failed @ 6th OHS)/42(failed @ 3rd OHS)/42!

PS. I haven’t done the Bear since the OPT days ’cause it always falls on a rest day – we should do it soon!!! 🙂 PLEASE!

Started at 56 lbs
Added paper clips to bar to get to 70 lbs. by round 7
Limiting factor was keeping good form on the snatches

The OHS were difficult on the last few rds.

Great WOD!! Lots of fun with the 930 class-tough part was that first OHS
32,42,47, 52, 57, 62, 67, might have had one more round (Michelle and I were there until at least 10:50)!!

Failed on 6th OHS in Round 7


Everything was going good until about 115#, when the snatches started looking a bit ugly. I failed the 3rd snatch at 125, and when I dropped down to 120 I changed it up to touch and hang power snatch, which seemed to be slightly better. I think when the weight gets heavy I forget about a lot of the technical things that are easier to do at lighter loads. I definitely need to work on this more often than we do in class.


22/32/45 failed on 6 th OH squat/45/55 failed on 6th OH squat/55/65 failed on 3 OH squat.

Little theme there with OH squats.


45/56/65/70/75/80/85 all rounds felt solid throughout, nice workout!

Worked to 135. Thanks Rob for help with the Snatch grip, that really is going to help next time these come around.


Would have liked to try another set, but had to get to parent/teacher conference! Chantal and I stayed after class, but we were chattin’ not lifting!!! Fun to be class this morning…lots of great energy!!!

Plenty of work to do here.

Evan, that was some inspiring work on the KB swings man…


ugly power snatches in last two sets – leaning back and pressing out to catch. o well

Did 5 rnds, up to 60 lbs so i could really work on my snatch

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