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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hang Clean – 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

  Coach’s notes:  Post load for all sets to comments.

Please note that CrossFit Kids Wednesday @ 4:30 class is postponed while awaiting minimum registration requirements, if interested, please contact Leighanne at optadmin@optimumtraining.ca


Comments: 7

oops, didn’t read very clearly. Did hang-power-cleans instead.

65 failed twice/60 failed (holy fatigue, Batman)

Amrap Double unders, 1min rest X10
1= 79, 2= 54, 3=75, 4=26, 5=80, 6=43, 7=48, 8=77, 9=75, 10= 48
The lower scores are results of lack of focus

Row 300m Sprint 2min rest X3
1= 55.6, 2=1:01.4, 3=1:07,3

Run 1Mi at 80%
Time = 7:39
The effort seemed like way to much for 80%..

Pretended I weighed 162#’s
Unbroken sets in everything… next time I’ll pretend I weigh more

worked on squat cleans today:
198/220/242/253/264 all sets of 1
pretty happy with results considering I havn’t done any heavy cleans for just about a year. My all time pb is 287

57X3, 62X3, 67X3, 72X3, 72X3, 72X2 + 1, found the 72lbs hard and form didn’t feel right so wanted to work on it

42X3, 47X3, 52X3, 57X3, 62X3, 67X3

60 x 3, 70 x 3, 80 x 3, 88 x 3, 98 x 3, 108 x 3
118 x 3, 128 x 3, 132 x 2 failed 3rd and 4th attempt

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