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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, October 23, 2009



8 rounds for reps: 


30 seconds KB Swings

30 seconds KB SDLHP

1:00 minute rest 

Coach’s notes: Guys use 1.5 pood and gals 1 pood for the swings and SDLHP.  Post reps for each exercise per round and totals to comments. 

Compare to March 2, 2009

Attention CF Preschoolers – class on Sunday, Ocotber 25 at 3 pm will be cancelled for this week only.  Classes will resume on Sunday, November 1. 


Comments: 20

At condo with 30#DB
14/12, 14/13, 16/13, 15/13, 15/12, 14/12, 15/11, 15/11=
118/97 = 215
Last couple rnds of SDLHP were getting really tough to grip.

No kettlebell at Y so I used a 55 lb dumbell and 55lb barbell.
44/43/45/42/37/34/35/32 = 312
Dumbell swings way better than my SDLHP’s. Arms were toast.


First was 14/17
total. 219

Almost as Rx’d. Cut the KBS short (top of head level) for shoulder rehab.
17/17, 17/17, 17/14, 17/13, 16/13, 16/13, 16/13, 16/13
Total 132/113 = 245

25/23/23/23/20/21/21/23=179. last time i did this one was one of the last WODs at OPT… and the first time i didn’t scale KB swings- 143 reps then. so 36 rep improvement- cool!

Was going to take the standard skinny guy discount and use 1.25 pood but decided to follow Kris’s lead and go prescribed. I could keep the swings going but had to slow down on the SDLHPs to keep the pulls high enough.
13/13, 13/13, 12/10, 12/10, 12/8, 12/8, 10/8, 12/9
Total 96/79 = 175

Used 35#DB for both, just changed the grip…20/17, 20/19, 20/19, 21/20, 21/19, 21/20, 21/19, 22/20.
Totals – Swings = 166 & SDLHP = 153 Final Sum = 319

Used 1 pood.
14/18 14/16 14/16 13/14 14/13 13/13 14/14 14/15
Total= 110/119 = 229

287 as rx’d
KBS 17×8=136
SDLHP 20×3/19/18×4=151

232 as rx’d
13/16 14/16 14/16 13/15 14/15 13/15 14/15 14/15

215 as rx’d

12/18 13/18 13/17 12/19 11/16 10/11 10/12 10/13

Felt like something different today
Grace as Rxd= 3:26
Catching the cleans in a muscle clean type of stance. Should have been catching them in a dip so I could go straight into the jerks. First time doing this so I really look forward to practicing the transitions before this comes around again. Sub 3 next time

As rx’d 277 total
16/19, 17/19, 17/19, 17/19, 17/19, 17/19, 17/19, 17/19

As rx’d – 255
I think I left my little yellow sticky with numbers next to the calculator. First 4 rounds both exercises were at 17 and then it went down slightly. Good push gals at the 6pm class.

34/35/34/35/35/35/35/35 Total 278 as rx’d. Kim I think you added wrong, you actually had 287 nice job!!!!

As rx’d : 231
Chelsea, Katie and Krista great job.

As rx’d: 254
don’t have my breakdown numbers in front of me first 4 rounds 15/18 (33) then slight variations on that… nice work tonight girls!! You guys are great – had fun!! thanks!
and thanks to you to Brett

As Rx’d
Double dosed with Bench/PP

As RX’d:


230 total

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