Friday, October 15, 2010
A1. SDLHP – 10 reps X 4 sets, rest 90s
A2. Toes to Bar – 5-10 reps X 4 sets @ 3030, rest 90s
B1. Weighted Back Extension – 10-15 reps X 4 sets @ 3011, rest 60s
B2. DB Trap 3 Raise – 8-12 reps/arm X 4 sets @ 3010, rest 60s
Coach’s notes: Post loads for all sets in A1, B1 and B2 and reps for A2 to comments.
A1. 55/65/75/85
B1. 20/25/30/35
B2. 10/10/10/12.5
Great job this morning, crew. Thanks, Brett
Oops, forgot…A2. 20 reps for knees to waist.
A1. 95×10/115×10/125×8/125×7
A2. 3/4/4/4 first round with tempoish the rest controlled
B1. 25×15/30×15/35×11/35×12
B2. 12.5/10/10/10
A1: 75×10/85×10/90×10 BUT.. The last 2 were more like sdlhalfpull/90×8 again last few were horrid then 2 more horrid ones.
A2: 4.5/5/4.5/5- tempo was rx’d on the way down only- had to swing up- dear, dear
B1: 20/25/30/35 all x15
B2: now here are the impressive numbers;) 7.5/10/started at 12.5 but my form was not good so back down to a heavy 5! Didn’t do the last set – had to run.
Thanks DJ! Happy Friday everyone!!
A1. 10 reps at 47/52/57/62lbs
A2. 5 reps each round of swinging up and trying to control down
B1. 15 reps at 20/25/30/35lbs
B2. 9/8/8/8 all at 5lbs
did main site:
Three rounds for time of:
135 pound Hang power cleans, 15 reps
15 Burpees
Did yesterdays, 21:32 as rx’d. Push ups took me forever
A1: 52/62/67/69.5
A2: these were really pathetic!
B1: unweighted -12/10lbs – 10/ 15 lbs – 10
B2: 10/12.5
Thanks Brett and, 9:30 class!
A1: 65/75/80/85
A2: 3/5/5/5 had to swing up but as Rx’d down
B1: 15 reps at 15/20/25/35#
B2: 7.5# x10, 10#x10/12.5#x7/12.5#x5
A1. 52/62/67/72
A2. 5/5/5/5
B1. 25lbs(15), 30lbs (15), 35(15), 40 (12)
B2. 7.5/10/12.5/15