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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, October 10, 2008

Snatch Balance – 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

  Coach’s notes:  Post load for each set to comments.


Comments: 5

Currently on an Olympic lifting phase so was planning snatch balance today anyway.
performed 1 muscle snatch + 2 snatch balance
dipping a little too much and need to drop faster – it’s a confidence thing but was a pb for me.

PM wod – jerk balance x 3 – 61/66/71/76/81/86
clean pulls from the rack x 3 – 185/205/220

75 x 2, 80 x 2, 85 x 2, 90 x 2, 95 x 2, 100 x 1, f, 100 x 2 PB!!!!! Thanks Trevor!

32X2, 32X2, 34.5X2, 34.5X2, 37X2, 42X2, 42X2, 45X1 with 2 failed attemps

CONGRATS KIMMER! That is incredible! Those PBs just keep coming…..

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