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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, October 1, 2010

As many rounds in 20 minutes:

8 Toes to Bar

10 Push Press

12 Box Jumps

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 35 lbs per hand and gals 20 lbs per hand for push press and 24″ and 20″ respectively for box jumps.  Post number of rounds complete to comments.

Compare to October 4, 2009

Comments: 22

Last time this was # of rounds in 20 minutes.

So I guess I will go with 20 minutes then.

I found a watch on the floor after this morning’s class. I put it over by the laptop on top of the pile of CDs if it’s yours.

Excellent work today everyone!!!!!!
Great energy!!!

10 rds + 5…more like Toes to Air (sigh), push press sets unbroken, though (happy about that). Great job, morning crew. Thanks, Ali.
BTW, it’s my 22nd Wedding Anniversary today 🙂

Guess what!!! Watch NOT mine!!! Hee hee
Nice wod today Maria!! Happy anniversary!

11 rds+ 8T2B+10 PP+10 Box jumps, so close. Should have pushed harder on the last rounds of toes to bar to get them done quicker, lesson learned. All as Rx’d.

Great class Ali, everyone pushed this was hard.

10 Rnds + 8 T2B

Used 30# Dumbells and 24″ Stand

8 rounds + 4 T2B
Thank you Ali!

Big class at 5 so ended up using 25lb DB’s instead (thanks Erin and Chantal!!)
15 rounds + 6 Toes to Bar. Thanks Ali, fun class.

13 rounds and 6 toes to bar

Thank you Ali

8 Rounds + T2B + PP. Toes to Bar still not Rx’d.
Thank you Ali.

30 lbs for PP (5 more lbs than last time)

8+10+11 (or 9-1)

T2B – fast and steady
PP – slow and broken – sort of 5+2+1+1+1 – left arm was the weak link tonight
Box – slow and steady

12 rounds + 8 + 10.

9 rds + 1 as rx’d (1 full rd more than last time)

Scaled/modified to:
8 T2B = high knees
10 PP with 15 lbs
12 box jumps changed to KB swings (1 pood)

10 rounds

Apparently this week caught up to me, felt so tired today…
8 rounds + 8 t2b + 10 PP, as Rx’d

Happy anniversary Maria

At home
Don’t have 20# DB, so had to use 25#
9 rounds + 8 toes to bar + 10 push press + 1 box jump
Felt gassed right off the bat and push press felt insanely heavy. Most toes to bar and box jumps unbroken. Lots of heavy breathing rest between exercises.

(note to self: Hatte den ganzen Tag Durchfall! War erschoepft und es wurde mir frueh schwindlig. Fast wie das letzte Mal…)

Holy Smokes Chelsea!!! You are amazing!!!

10 rounds plus 1 toes to bar
Thanks Ali

9 rds + 2 as rx’d

7 rds + 12. Toes to bar for first 2 rds then waist height. Got higher towards rd 6. Started with 25, then 30, and 35 last 3 rds. Alt btwn 24 and 16 box.

11 + 8 t2b + 1 pp

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