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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, November 6, 2009


10 minutes of double unders for reps

Coach’s notes:  Post number of reps to comments.

Compare to June 27, 2009

Rememberance Day holiday is next week, thus the class schedule will be in effect.  On Wed. Nov. 11 the 9:30 am  and 6:00 pm classes will be available for member and drop in attendance.

CFC Hoodies are coming soon!  Click here to view.

CFC1 (aka Mack’s Challenge) is this Saturday.  The WOD2 and movement standards have been announced.  Click here to view.

Comments: 18

Some of us are planning on going out for dinner after the competition on Saturday. So if anyone is interested, post here or let me know sometime tomorrow so we have an idea of numbers.

what time and where?

160 reps… started out good, went all bad after that. DU’s have given me problems lately… i was just happy to string a few good sets together at the beginning.

Nothing is set in stone yet, but let’s say around 5:30 at a to be determined location.

57 reps…now I will go and ice my welts

Sept 27 – 244

No skipping until my knee heals itself.

I will most likely be skipping tomorrow’s games. Too bad; France was made for me, if we decreased the reps by about 1/2.

Count us in on the post-games meal, that won’t be too hard on the knee.

335. Longest set was about 60. Then quickly degenerated to single digits. And as soon as Brett said “90 seconds” all I could muster was a whole bunch of singles, and a whole bunch of lashings.
Fun one today. Thanks Brett!

I like food. I’m in Cory.

247. Seemed to get better after 4min or so. Great job Krista! You did awesome!

Oh! Thanks Brett. I really liked this one.

317. I am beginning to like double unders! (did I just say that?) these were broken up into sets of 10s and 15s – so it actually didn’t feel so bad!
Thanks Brett!! thanks for help with the cleans too!

ps… Anita you did great! your deadlifts were solid too!

I’m in for going out for dinner after tomorrow. Decided to skip this one since I couldn’t walk normally for days after the flight simulator. See you guys tomorrow.

Krista, congrats on surpassing your 300 goal!

621 as rx’d
tried different strategy 30s du 10s rest (15sets)
highest set #1-55
lowest set -32
overall improvement by 11

181. Finally got the hang of it. Will definitely be better next time. Thanks for the help with pullups, Brett.

473 as Rx’d
Next time I’ll try a rep/set structure

297 on July 16, 2010 in Halifax. Anything over 50 is a miracle for me. Hughie counted – counters help 🙂

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