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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, November 27, 2009


5 rounds for max reps

Bench Press – body weight

Pull Ups

Coach’s notes:  This is not a timed workout.  Post reps for each set and total to comments.

Compare to September 4, 2009

Comments: 23

I have been doing Cory’s prescribed WODs while on vacations in Punta Cana. Thank you Cory! My lower back and shoulders are fried!Lot’s of DBs WODs as the equip availability is limited. Maybe I will rest today by the pool. 🙂 I see I missed a lot of good workouts this week!!

Thanks CFC for the CFLA INVASION. All my clients had a blast!

For the next test….can we call get together for some Team workouts?
And Possible mixed CFC & CFLA client teams? Good times!

You guys and gals all rock!

Coach Chad Action Brandt CrossFit Lethbridge

Is it just me or did the times from the 8pm class not show up on the lethbridge site? I also tried to write a little note of my own and I don’t see it anymore?

First WOD back at CFC since Oct. First time doing Lynne
BP 80lbs: 3, 5, 3, 2, 1
Chins blue band 21, purple 13, unass. 2, 2, 2
Good energy today everyone!

180 bench
3/40, 3/30, 2/25, 1/25, 2/20

205 bench

80 Bench for 4 then 75 for 5th
2/9, 1/13, 1/12, 0/10, 2/8

First time back in 3 weeks. Great to be back!

Bench press – 65 lbs
Pull ups – blue band

Francis, there is a little tiny >> at the bottom of the page to get to page 2 of the comments on the CFLA site.

Alvaro, take a day off. It sounds like you’ve been working hard!

75# – 50% of bwt & band assisted PU’s…did this at the Y today.
6/10, 5/8, 5/10, 5/10, 5/10

At home workout:
Walking lunges (21-15-9 each leg)
Time: 6:45
(Tried to keep moving the whole time. Had to stop during the second and last set of lunges though, as I couldn’t get out of the bottom due to burning legs. Rest continuous.)

note to self: sit-ups were unanchored, no ab-mat

110×2/20, 110×2/17, 110×2/15, 110×2/15, 110×2/13
Great class thanks Laura!! nice work today everyone! – Sara, great job on your pullups!!!

75lbs – x6/7/8/8
Chin ups were strict and unassisted-yahoo! Finally. I really need to learn how to kip so I can do more – 3/4/3/3
Only had time to do 4rnds. Thanks Katie and Erin for pushing me. Great coaching Trevor. Thanks for spotting.

Krista you are amazing! Way to go!

Missed out on the WOD. Left downtown at 4:45 pm and got home at 7:26 pm. It is crazy out there.

Bench = 135# BWT = 183.5#
6/20, 7/20, 6/14, 4/13, 4/12
Bench was lopsided to right on all reps – 1 side definitely stronger

bench press – 75lbs -7/7/9/8
chin ups – 12/10/9/8
Anita you are doing so well with your chin ups and Krista yess holy smoke your bench press and pullups are incredible! Thanks Trevor for the great coaching – it was nice to see you! Francis your pull ups are unbelievable too! Lucky to be surrounded by strong people.

as rx’d (or slightly more, easy to put 225 on the bar vs actual body weight)

bench = 225 BWT = 218
5/8, 5/8 4/8 4/9 3/10

Total = 64

thank Trever for staying late and helping me with the pull up transition during the workout

Dave …you are a star making the picture two days in a row


Body weight 217. Apparently I can only lift about 180 though, so that’s what I used for this.

180lbs BP- 4/5/3/5/5
pullups- 7/10/9/7/14

Definitely need to work on bench. It’s kind of embarrassing actually. I’m happy that I can do both underhand and regular grip kipping pullups. Baby steps!

Feb. 7, 2013
BP: 8/7/5/5/7 = 32
PU: 9/9/7/7/7 = 39

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