Friday, November 26, 2010
5 rounds for time:
30 Overhead Walking Lunges
20 Medicine Ball Cleans
10 Toes to Bar
Coach’s notes: Guys use 45 lb plate, gals 25 lb plate overhead for walking lunges and 20 lb and 14 lb medicine ball for cleans. Post time to complete to comments.
Completed at “Y” – 6:00 am. Overhead lunges were difficult. First round of lunges unbroken and then not quite so lucky for last four rounds. All med ball cleans and toes to bar unbroken…Michelle , I made sure my toes hit the bar, not over. As required=18:34
16:55 as rx’d.
Really liked this one, but it felt like it was never going to end.
Thanks Brett
Did shoulder press/GHD wod from last week posted there
Will have to do this one too – my quads a little under the weather today :D! Thank Brett!! Great work this morning everyone! Darren great Kipling T2B!!
22:57 – 15 lbs for lunges, 12 lbs for mb cleans- just happy that i got T2B every time.
24:07 as RxD
Thanks for the Kipping Instruction on T2B Brett and Krista!!
13:47 as rx’d. Thanks Brett and Colin, good workout. Great job everyone in the 5pm class.
As rx’d
If this comes around again try gal’s weight and go for speed.
I have a bad attitude towards med ball cleans. I might be able to do them more fluidly and faster but I don’t want to.
Did this one as prescribed. Soooo worn out from it, I failed to note my time (around 26:40 I think). My toes finally hit the bar. Thanks Brett, Colin and 5:00 class! … I hope I can move tomorrow.
24.40 as rx’d.
27.10 as rx’d. This was a tough week on the quads for me, could barely make it down the step outside crossfit!
26:11 as rx’d