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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, November 26, 2010

5 rounds for time:

30 Overhead Walking Lunges

20 Medicine Ball Cleans

10 Toes to Bar

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 45 lb plate, gals 25 lb plate overhead for walking lunges and 20 lb and 14 lb medicine ball for cleans.  Post time to complete to comments.

Comments: 11

Completed at “Y” – 6:00 am. Overhead lunges were difficult. First round of lunges unbroken and then not quite so lucky for last four rounds. All med ball cleans and toes to bar unbroken…Michelle , I made sure my toes hit the bar, not over. As required=18:34

16:55 as rx’d.

Really liked this one, but it felt like it was never going to end.

Thanks Brett

Did shoulder press/GHD wod from last week posted there
Will have to do this one too – my quads a little under the weather today :D! Thank Brett!! Great work this morning everyone! Darren great Kipling T2B!!

22:57 – 15 lbs for lunges, 12 lbs for mb cleans- just happy that i got T2B every time.

24:07 as RxD

Thanks for the Kipping Instruction on T2B Brett and Krista!!

13:47 as rx’d. Thanks Brett and Colin, good workout. Great job everyone in the 5pm class.

As rx’d


If this comes around again try gal’s weight and go for speed.
I have a bad attitude towards med ball cleans. I might be able to do them more fluidly and faster but I don’t want to.

Did this one as prescribed. Soooo worn out from it, I failed to note my time (around 26:40 I think). My toes finally hit the bar. Thanks Brett, Colin and 5:00 class! … I hope I can move tomorrow.

24.40 as rx’d.

27.10 as rx’d. This was a tough week on the quads for me, could barely make it down the step outside crossfit!

26:11 as rx’d

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