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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, May 7, 2010

Tabata Intervals:

1.  Alternating Forward Lunge with Weight Overhead

2.  KB Swing

3.  Sit Up

4.  Squat

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 45 lbs overhead for lunges, gals use 25 lbs and 1.5 pood and 1.0 pood for KB swings.  Post reps for each exercise and total of all 4 to comments.


Comments: 6

Did WOD at “Y” so I had to share a 1.5 kettlebell so we alternated between a 1.5 pood and 1pood. Still very tough just higher numbers every other set of swings.
Lunges(as rxd) – 86
Swings ( 1.5 x 4 & 1 x 4) – 97
Sit-ups – 157
Squats – 135

Total = 475

lunges- 12 = 96
KBS (1pd) 9/9/8/9/9/7/8/9 = 68
s/u (ab mat unanchored) 14/14/13/11/11/10/10/11= 94
squat 21/20/18/17/17/15/14/14= 136
total 394
Thanks Brett! Happy Mother’s Day everyone!

Squats- 20/20/19/18/18/18/18/18=149
Thanks DJ!

As rx’d
45 lb. lunges killed me for KBS and didn’t help the squats much either
SU: unanchored

L: 10/10/10/10/10/9/8/10 = 77
KBS: 5/8/5/5/6/5/5/6 = 45
SU: 14/15/14/13/13/12/12/13 = 106
Sq: 13/11/11/10/12/10/11/14 = 92

L(45#): 9/9/9/8/6/7/7/6=61
KBS(1.5): 7/7/7/5/7/6/5/6=50
SU: 14/14/13/11/11/11/11/11=96
Sq: 17/15/15/13/11/13/10/12=106

Lunges: 65
KBS: 71
Situps: 116
Squats: 114
Total: 366
Fun at the 9:30 class, wish I could be there every Friday.
Nice work on the muscle ups Chelsea.

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