Friday, May 2, 2008
Clean and Jerk – 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Coach’s notes: Rest as required between each set and post load for each to comments.
Clean and Jerk – 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Coach’s notes: Rest as required between each set and post load for each to comments.
115×5, 125×5, 135×5, 145×5, 155×5
good for warm up pre met con
45×5, 55×5, 65×5, 75×5, 85×5 (3 good, 2 struggling)
100×5,105×5,115×5,120×5,125×4.5 (failed on lockout on rep 5)
all done with full squat cleans and split jerks with the occasional push jerk tossed in.
The cleans were the easy part for me it’s my split jerk that needs work.
Post: tabata double unders – total reps=176
FYI – double unders are way easier after your CNS is primed from olympic lifting.
95×5, 105×5, 115×5, 125×5, 135×1+1(failed)
Done with squat cleans & split jerks
First time had to bail out on my rear end doing cleans, it was a bit of an experience, especially without bumper plates. Unharmed, but called it a day!
1 – 45×5
2 – 65×5
3 – 75×5
4 – 85×5
5 – 95×5
Full Cleans & Split Jerks (Did a few push jerks)
This was my best day for Cleans. I feel like I am really starting to get under the bar well now. Great workout!
Still sore from yesterday’s WOD.
No split jerks today!
Maybe rest tomorrow, dependent on what the WOD is!
60×5, 70×5, 88×5, 93×5, 95.5×5, 98×5, 100.5 x 5
Full clean with push jerks
Only 1 WOD today, thank goodness
5 rounds for time
50 jumps – reach a point 18″ above arms reaching up.
40 squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 pull ups
time 28:12
Not sure what I expected with that one.
Off to Victoria for the weekend, no wod until Monday!
This was a fun one! I started out with 44 lb bar and maxed out at 71 lbs and was able to do the 5 reps with that at the end. I love strength days! 🙂