Friday, March 27, 2009
“The Beast”
As many rounds in 20 minutes:
6 Burpees
6 Power Snatch
Coach’s notes: Guys use 65 and gals 45 for the SDLHP and power snatch. Post number of rounds complete to comments.
Compare to October 17, 2008
Sandee, call me and let me know what to wear for this one…
10-12 rounds at 38lbs, completely lost count. shoulda kept a pc of paper close to mark on after each round. kept weight low to keep form… today easily coulda been an extra rest day for me… going to take 2 over the weekend.
9 rounds as rx’d
10 rds plus 2 sdlhp as rx’d
14 rounds plus 6 sdlhp & 4 burpees as rx’d – TOAST!
1 rep shy of 19 rounds
Thanks Rob, good coaching today.
It’s a shame I can’t make it tonight, as I could really use the power snatch training. At any rate, I gave it a shot:
10 rounds + 6 + 2
I feel like I underperformed on this one. Both the SDHP and the burpees were feeling strong, but the snatch was wearing me down. I wasn’t happy with my snatch technique at all.
12 rnds + 6 SDLHP + 2 Burpees as rx’d
10 rounds+6+6+2
10 + 6 SDLHP
11 rounds+6+4 as rx’d
It was great to finally teach a class @ the new CFC.
Great work everyone.
It was awesome to see some of the old faces from OPT/CFC again and to meet all the new CF folks.
Does CF work?
Chantal informed she went from 6 rds that last time this WOD appeared, to 10+ today. Drink the Kool-Aid!
12 rounds plus 6 SDLHP and 6 Burpees
Last time Sept 28/08 11 rounds plus 6 SDLHP
Thought I would comment on the health benefits of X-fit.
Because of the workout today, I have just come home early from a b’day party instead of partaking in beverages because I need to sleep. Worst part — my workout was this morning! (That and it was one year olds b’day party and I’m going to bed before him!)
WOD today – was some tabata something that Brett came up with, need I say more!
10 rds + 6 SDLHP & 6 Burpees as rx’d …so close to an 11th rd…thanks for the great class today Rob!!
11 plus 6 and 6
9 rounds plus 6&6
That was 9 rounds + 6&6 @ 33#
11 rounds as rx’d
12 rounds as rx’d