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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, March 27, 2009

“The Beast” 

 As many rounds in 20 minutes:



6 Burpees

6 Power Snatch


Coach’s notes:  Guys use 65 and gals 45 for the SDLHP and power snatch.  Post number of rounds complete to comments.


Compare to October 17, 2008


Comments: 20

Sandee, call me and let me know what to wear for this one…

10-12 rounds at 38lbs, completely lost count. shoulda kept a pc of paper close to mark on after each round. kept weight low to keep form… today easily coulda been an extra rest day for me… going to take 2 over the weekend.

9 rounds as rx’d

10 rds plus 2 sdlhp as rx’d

14 rounds plus 6 sdlhp & 4 burpees as rx’d – TOAST!

1 rep shy of 19 rounds
Thanks Rob, good coaching today.

It’s a shame I can’t make it tonight, as I could really use the power snatch training. At any rate, I gave it a shot:

10 rounds + 6 + 2

I feel like I underperformed on this one. Both the SDHP and the burpees were feeling strong, but the snatch was wearing me down. I wasn’t happy with my snatch technique at all.

12 rnds + 6 SDLHP + 2 Burpees as rx’d

10 rounds+6+6+2

10 + 6 SDLHP

11 rounds+6+4 as rx’d

It was great to finally teach a class @ the new CFC.
Great work everyone.
It was awesome to see some of the old faces from OPT/CFC again and to meet all the new CF folks.
Does CF work?
Chantal informed she went from 6 rds that last time this WOD appeared, to 10+ today. Drink the Kool-Aid!

12 rounds plus 6 SDLHP and 6 Burpees
Last time Sept 28/08 11 rounds plus 6 SDLHP

Thought I would comment on the health benefits of X-fit.
Because of the workout today, I have just come home early from a b’day party instead of partaking in beverages because I need to sleep. Worst part — my workout was this morning! (That and it was one year olds b’day party and I’m going to bed before him!)
WOD today – was some tabata something that Brett came up with, need I say more!

10 rds + 6 SDLHP & 6 Burpees as rx’d …so close to an 11th rd…thanks for the great class today Rob!!

11 plus 6 and 6

9 rounds plus 6&6

That was 9 rounds + 6&6 @ 33#

11 rounds as rx’d

12 rounds as rx’d

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