Friday, March 26, 2010
Coach’s notes: With a 20 minute time limit, determine your 3 RM OHS. If you want to do it as per the sectionals you have only 3 attempts.
Coach’s notes: With a 20 minute time limit, determine your 3 RM OHS. If you want to do it as per the sectionals you have only 3 attempts.
Nice work DJ! Light weight!!!
DJ, I’m going to bingo!
Good luck to all who are participating this weekend in Edmonton. We will be cheering you on!!!
Since Brett was being a stickler today (okay, no worse than I would judge other people), these were my results:
The flexibility of my injured shoulder was limiting the depth I could get to without dropping the weight.
As Rx’d (BW-175)
Got 1×175 for the first time ever so I guess that’s something
95×3/97.5×3 /102.5 x3 (PR) as per sectionals wod… one!
Thanks Brett and good luck to everyone this weekend!
75×3, 85×3, 90×3
Best of luck to everyone going to Edmonton this weekend.
Did some OHSx3 practice yesterday….205×3…I am going to attempt 215-225×3 tomorrow…
1. Power Clean – worked up to 95, failed at 100, failed at 97.5. Been stuck at 95 for awhile, can’t seem to break it.
2. Pull Ups unassisted
Good Luck to CFC and Big Dawgs this weekend!!
Did Cindy/deadlift WOD from Wed & posted there.
145×3, iffy 3rd rep. full hip extension but not so sure about “controlled”
Neil: worked on wonky left left ankle/foot flexibilty issue and ended up doing a few slow eccentric/concentric reps of back squat at 85/95/105 weights followed by 10/10/5 reps of OHS so a 105# OHS x 5 is a big improvement for me as my left heels inability to reach the ground creates a real imbalance especially with this lift. Left heel eventually touched the ground today but it is not carrying its full share of the weight yet and left foot is splayed out too much but ROM is much improved, thanks Evan for the tip about pushing through the mid foot as per Bergener… that felt pretty stable and I think I could have gone higher in weight…