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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, March 21, 2008


3 rounds for time of:

25 Barbell Thrusters

100 Squats

2 minute rest


Coach’s notes:  Guys use 105lbs and gals 65lbs, or scale as needed.  Post time for each round to comments.



Comments: 8

300 squats as part of Cindy a couple days ago, 300 squats today, I’m going shopping for baggy jeans…

Subbed 75# for the thrusters (all barbell weight at home)
Round 1 – 3:56
Round 2 – 4:37
Round 3 – 5:26
Would’ve taken me LOT longer with Rx’d weight.

As Rx’d
5:42 – Hit the wall in the middle of squats

DJ- as Rx’d
round 1: 5:04
round 2: 6:25
round 3: 8:07

Round 1: 6:10 (as Rx’d)
round 2: 4:45 ( dropped to 55 lbs)
round 3 7:25 (55 lbs)

WOD as Rx’d in class
round 1- 5:15
round 2- 12:33
round 3- 20:08
gumby legs after that one!!!

Wt = 47#
Rd 1 = 4:15
Rd 2 = 5:57
Rd 3 = 5:47 (faster than Rd 2 only b/c I wanted the pain to go away…..)

great work by everyone in the classes today. Oh and in case you look at Kimmers post the 20:08 was the total for all three rounds minus the rest

Kimmer pushes so hard in every class… probably needed the oxygen more in her legs than her brain, hence the little lapse. Way to go Kimmer!

27 yom 180lbs

As rx’d

Wowy wow wow – will thrusters EVER get easier?!?

1st round 6:35
2:00 rest
2nd round 9:38
3rd round 7:55

Total time 28:10

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