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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, March 20, 2009

1 Round for time:


100 Walking Lunges

75 Shoulder Press

50 Med Ball Cleans

25 HSPU’s

50 Box Jumps

75 Push Press

100 Squats


Coach’s notes:  Guys use 20 and gals 14 lbs for med ball cleans and wallballs and 65 and 45 lbs for the shoulder press and push press.  Post time to complete to comments.

CrossFit Kids classes at CFC HQ-Tues 4:15-5 and Sat 8:45-9:30 for children ages 6-12.  Introduce your child(ren) to the benefits of CrossFit while you do your WOD, and have them show you how fun fitness can be!!  Up to two classes per week for only $50/child/month.  Drop in and try it out for only $15/class.

Comments: 18

have a specific box height in mind?

brett says 24″ for both guys and gals, scale as required

31:08 subbed 45lbs for press/push press and band assisted HSPUs.

oh and it was awesome to have steve make a surprise appearance! nice work steve.

27:10…Started off w/ 45# but had to scale back to 35# and also modified the HSPU’s.

26:58 as Rx’d…

thanks motokris…those HSPUs were brutal…I thought I would be able to blast through 25 in a row then I got there and had to singles the whole time…then going to PP was nasty….

Gotcha Erin!!

29:24…almost rx’d but had to sub band assisted HSPU’s

You got me this time Steve… however, I think that I’m still in the lead there buddy?????

isn’t the score 38-2 in my favour in head to head WODs…hmmm…perhaps I am mistaken…ahem… 🙂

33:24 with as many subs as possible.
33# for SP & PP, 12# for the cleans, negative HSPU, and an 18″ box.

26:38 – used 18 in box :))

31:12 with 32lbs and band/Brett assisted HSPU’s. Thanks Brett for the coaching and HELP! The box was 18″.

37:53 with knees on the box subbed for HSPUs. I tried one handstand on the walland didn’t even have the strength to support myself after the shoulder press.

30:31 i think…
Only thing that wasn’t as rx’d was the HSPU’s, alternated between lowering only and then doing a HSPU.

Modified: SP & PP 35#, HSPU – 15# DB – “arm hold x 90 sec”

35:42 as rx’d, 10 minutes on the HSPU’s alone!!

34:39 HSPU’s were band assisted everything else as rx’d

Well, I don’t understand how everyone did it in 30 min. Took me 53 min! and I was mixing up the HSPU betwenn exercises in sets of 3 to 5. Shoulder press after the first 15 or so wer in sets of 5 or 6.

Oh yeah and assisted HSPU

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