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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, June 26, 2020

A1.  Dumbbell Bench (med ball) Press – 10 reps @ 3010 X 5 sets, rest 90s
A2.  Pull-ups – 20 reps X 5 sets, rest 90s
A3.  V-ups – 15 reps X 5 sets, rest 90s

Coach’s notes:

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Comments: 6

DBBP – 45# each round
PU – 15,5 / UB / UB / 14,6 / 15,5
V-Up – UB, UB, UB, UB, 10/5
Grip was the limiting factor in the pull-ups. Was hanging on by the finger tips at the end of each big set.
Thanks OG!

So I didn’t get to do Murph a few weeks back, and been meaning to at some point. Don’t feel like I have the volume I need right now, and in between a string of night shifts, so tried a half Murph today at home. 24:39, with weight vest. All amounts halved. 800m run at start and end, 10 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats. Sweaty. It’s hot out there! Miss seeing you all in the gym, hoping the schedule will start to normalize here and be back to see you all!

Another day letting my body know it’s time to wake up after Covid. Total win. I just enjoyed this WOD. Thanks for wisdom today Brett.

50# for Bench Press
A little light but enough to be challenging for a tight shoulder. I would do 55#/60# next time. Covid push-ups pay off.

Concentrated on my hollow hold. Core is still feeling a little weak but on its way back.

It’s taken me years to develop any significant pull up strength. Jumping off low stool was perfect. Better than bands. Focused on keeping shoulders engaged in the bottom of the swing forward. At the top, pulling my elbows back. Felt surprisingly natural with a decent squeeze. My shoulder didn’t hurt for once. Definite progress for me. Did 15+5 reps.

A1. 45/50/55/60 (9 reps)/55 (8&2)
A2. 20 reps, all rounds unbroken
A3. 15 reps, all rounds unbroken

It’s a 🦄 and a 🍀 day when a WOD falls this far into my wheelhouse, so I took full advantage. Might have been able to squeak out the extra rep at 60 if my bursitis hadn’t flared up, that was really my only limitation tonight.

Thanks Shannon!!

Started with pull ups

A2: 20 kipping very broken/10 kipping, 10 strict with 2 bands/3 sets of 15 strict
Going to take a bit to build up the hands again.

A3: 15 reps, 2-3 sets. I feel like these should be easier given how much we did them during the shut down. 🤨

A1: 15/20/20/20/22.5. Left arm felt great and could have gone heavier but the right arm wasn’t having it.

Enjoyed coming in and just working.

Thanks Shannon

A1. 50/60/70 X 8/60/60
A2. Done.
A3. Done.

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