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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, June 20, 2008

Taylor and James

 10 rounds for time:

12 Burpies

12 Pull ups

 Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete to comments


Comments: 8

I swear to god that guy next to James plays bass for the Chili Peppers. Check it out:



One month ago today – fractured rib. Today – able to do pull-ups. Thanks to Xfit for the quick recovery.
28:35, green band assisted pull-ups.

not a DJ freindly workout
28:00 as Rx’d

Started out in the first 7 rounds doing half kipping and half band assisted pull ups, but then hands tore too bad and in 8th round just couldn’t hold onto the bar anymore so finished with sit ups instead.
32 ish for time

Did kettlebell swings isntead of pullups due to bicep soreness.

Still felt gassed for this one.

~30 minutes.

As Rx’d,
Burpies were push up type, chest to deck.

December 07 – 100 pull ups and 0 burpies in 15:30
In June 08 – 120 pull ups and 120 push-up burpies in 16:31

half kip pullups, still figuring it out

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