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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, July 23, 2021

8 rounds for load (s) and time(s):

Run 200m
3 Ring Inverts
6 Ring Dips (Muscle-up into Dips)
12 Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunges
REST 1:00

Coach’s notes:

Post time and load per round and total working time to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 3

26:4?ish to finish. Used 1 Pd kettlebells for lunges, hit the invert into muscle-up transition 5/8. Was at 15:26 after 5 rounds (shorter than 1 min rests), last three rounds were no rest and runs paced by a 3.5 year old not sure that method is all that repeatable/comparable.
Thanks Derek!

Well, this one got me at every corner……………..kinda what I intended, but why does it always have to get you waaaaay more than you think!!!!!!!!!!
1. 1:58 @ 40#
2. 2:02 @ 50#
3. 2:03 @ 50#
4. 2:00 @ 50#
5. 2:22 @ 50#
6. 2:25 @ 50#
7. 2:53 @ 50#
8. 2:29 @ 50#
At half way (round 4), wanted to quit. Everyone else kept going, so I felt obligated.
Round 7, I got the inverts and the first muscle-up + 2 more, then dropped and could barely eek out the last 3 dips as singles from the low rings.
Round 8, got the inverts, plus one muscle-up (dip) and knew I was done, done. Finished the next 5 dips as jumping lowers from the floor………….dips no work at this point. I could also barely hold the dumbbells for my last 3 steps in rounds 6, 7 and 8.
Fun, challenging WOD.
Great post-WOD discussion with the 9:30amer’s and some unbelievably stellar invert successes. Check out the IG stories.
See you tomorrow for PARTNER workout!

Total time 24:56
All gymnastics complexes were unbroken.
R1-R2, 40# dumbbells
R3-R4, 45# dumbbells
R5-R6, 50# dumbbells
R7-R8, 55# dumbbells

Thanks Sydney! Great job 6pm

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