Friday, January 30, 2009
5 Rounds for time:
15 Jumping Muscle-Ups
15 Burpees
Coach’s notes: Rings to be placed at elbow height for jumping muscle-up. Burpees are as usual, chest to deck and full extension at top with a clap overhead. Post time to complete to comments.
Have you checked out CFC HQ’s new schedule? Check it out and give your input by clikcing here.
I think my time was 16:58…
I think I was right there with Kelley, thanks kris for the push.
Grace as Rx’d (135lb) was a goal I had for last year. Dislocated shoulder last summer prevented me from doing it until today. Did it today, took my time, every rep locked out overhead for 1-2 sec, lowering the weight gently to the floor in globo gym. 14min. Then:
Deadlifts 5×135, 5×225, 2×275, 4×300, 1×320, 1x340lb
Bench press 3×135, 2×157, 2×167, 2×177
16:xx as rx’d
bleh at coming back to this work out
RAther than using the word “modified” did completely different workout:
On the minute x 10 minutes:
Box Jumps – 24″ – 8
Split Jerk (L) arm – 35# DB – 5
GH Sit-ups – 10
FYI: This is a great workout! Thanks Brett.