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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, January 16, 2009

25, 15, 10 rep rounds for time:

Box Jumps 24″

Jumping Pull Ups

50 KB Swings – 1 pood

Walking Lunges

Knees to Elbows

Push Press – 45 lbs 

Back Extensions

Wallballs – 20 lbs


Double Unders

Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete to comments.


Comments: 11

This is one twisted version of the filthy fifties that only Brett himself could create

making up for the SDLHP typo?

Strength day instead of WOD
Squat cleans 145x5x3
Bench 157x5x3
Stiff leg DL 115×7, 135×5, 135×7
Push Jerk & split jerk technique, up to 125lbx3
Finished with 5 rounds of 5 clap push-ups + 5 box jump as fast as possible


w/13lb wallball

21″ box

21:06 w/13lbs ball


Well I just completely gassed during this WOD…the burpee/double under combo got every round…

however what did impress me was my K2E…I did 23 consecutive the first round (could hit 25 but I released my grip) and hit 15 and 10 straight the next rounds…so I am pleased with that…

other than that the work out was fun…except for me tasting my bile halfway through the set of 15…good times…

Box Jump, Squat Jumps, KB Swing (21#,one arm), WL, SU, SP #15, BE, Thruster 1 arm 15#, Run: Incline 1.5, Dist .2,.15,.10
Kinda liked this one ….

As rx’d 28:32

42:17, sub’d OHS for Box Jumps, 45lb


w/13lb wallball

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