Friday, January 14, 2011
As many rounds in 12 minutes:
25 Jumping Pull-ups
20 DB Push Press – 30#/20#/hand
Coach’s notes: Post number of rounds and reps complete to comments. Can compare to Wednesday, December 22, 2010, when we did AMRAP in 6 minutes.
Hey Brett, Yaz and Amy…wishing you safe travels. It’s an amazing thing you’re doing and I wish you open hearts and minds so you can take it all in…
dot com wod
3 rounds:
6 MU
30 WB
15 PC with 135lbs
HSPU to abmat and then abmat + 15lbs plate
reg MU then no “palms out” MU in round 2 & 3
India crew have a blasty blast
5 rnds + 20 JPU
11 and 1/2 rounds as rx’d + 10 TGU’s /hand (hard:( …
Thanks Trevor! Great class – nice work 9:30 class 🙂
5 rounds. Thanks Trevor! Good job everybody at 9:30!
Scaled to 25#
6 rounds plus 25 jumping pull ups plus 4 push press
Thanks DJ
Scaled to 10#
4 rounds plus 25 jumping pull-ups and 15 push press
Interesting warm-up 🙂
Thanks for your help with the KB, DJ!
As rx’d 7 rounds plus 25 jumping PU and 16 push press.
Did yesterdays and posted there 21:46
Intro program:
Part 1: Dumbbell Press/Push Press technique
2 Press
4 Push Press
Did 4 rounds: 15/15/15/20
Part 2:
5 rounds for time:
200 m row
10 DB Push Press
5 Pullups
Rest 60 seconds
Used 20# Dumbbells, including final rest period: 14:51
Did this one on Saturday morning.
3 push press reps shy of 4 rounds, as Rxd. Jumping pullups felt easy, but the push press killed me.. mostly done in set of 4/5.