Friday, January 1, 2010
“The Hangover”
As many rounds in 20 minutes:
500m Row
30 Ball Slams
10 Ring Inverts
Coach’s notes: Guys use 20lb wallball for the ball slam, gals use 14lbs. Post rounds + reps completed to comments.
Due to today’s holiday a modified class schedule will be in effect. A 9:30 am class and a 6:00 pm class will be available for member and drop in attendance. Happy New Year!
New Year’s Resolutions? CFC Teens begins on January 10! Click here for more details.
4 rounds + 420m row. Great job everyone. Thanks for a fun class Kris.
I wasn’t feeling that great before the workout, so I took it nice and easy.
3 rounds + row + 30 ball slams
3 rounds + 60m row
rx’d. The ring inverts were fun.
As rx’d – 20 lbs – high rings
3 rounds + row + looked in direction of ball + looked at clock + laid down on floor
Slow part was ball slams – couldn’t grab the ball after 6-8 reps
2 rounds + 500 m row + 30 ball slams + 7 ring inverts
found the ring inverts hard and disorienting
3 rounds + 240m on the row. First work out in 10 days and i can’t stop coughing.
I got these upside-downs from the handsome boy in the picture.. just like his dad.
4 rounds + 7m row.
2 rounds for me 🙂
Still learning how to walk after the 200 thrusters and it seems that it will a take a full week for full recovery
6 pm “The Hangover”
3 rounds + 140 m on rower.
This workout was alot of fun. I had never done ball slams before, they kind of reminded me of a WWF “wrastling” move. I especially like the inverts, they were definitely the fun part of the work out!
Thanks Brett and Michelle!