Friday, February 6, 2009
8000m row/group for time:
Coach’s notes: Class will be split into 2 groups, each group rowing 8000m total. Each member of the group has to row the same number of times, not necessarily the same distance. Hope that all your comrades show up for this one so you can split the work load.
Have you signed up for classes at the new facility? Click here for a Registration form.
Cool WOD
Grant…you don’t look so relaxed on these DU’s… 🙂
Grant, relax!!!!! 🙂
cannot make it to class tonight so I did yesterday’s WOD at Talisman…
Still on a quest to get strong, so played with heavy thrusters instead. Weight was power cleaned from floor.
95×4, 105×4, 115×4, 125×3, 130×3, 135×2, 140×2, 145(PR)x2, 150(PR)x2, 135×4.
On a side note, I’m scared one day I’ll kill someone in that gym by accidently dropping weight. Seems like folks don’t recognize the danger of 150lb (potentially) falling from 7ft high on their bosu balancing, bicep curling bodies.
Could not get anyone interested in joining my rowing team…
heavy thrusters instead. Weight was power cleaned from floor.
105×4, 115×4, 125×4, 130×3, 135×2, 140×2, 145×2, 150(PR)x1, 135×2
ummm, does anyone else have a brutal raspberry on their bum??? I think thats the last time I offer to do this one solo!