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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, February 5, 2010

3 rounds of 1:00 on 1:00 off

1.   Bench Press

2.  Deadlift

3.  Clean

Coach’s notes:  Guys and gals use bodyweight for the bench press, 1.5 times bodyweight for deadlift and 0.75 times bodyweight for clean.  Post reps for each exercise per round to comments.

Comments: 11

Bench Press scaled to 122.5 Ibs
5+ 4 + 4 = 13

Dead lift @ 235 Ibs
16+17+16= 49

Clean @ 105Ibs
10+ 6 +5 = 21

Thanks DJ …great class.

Bench Press scaled to 70#
13, 11, 10 = 34

Dead Lift scaled to 125#
11, 10, 7 = 28

Cleans scaled to 62#
6, 7, 6 = 19

Bench 185
6/5/4 = 15

Dead lift 225
8/10/10 = 28

Cleans 135
7/8/7 = 22

BP: 130 – 8, 6, 5 = 19
DL: 225 – 10,10,10 = 30
C: 115 – 5,5,7 = 17
1 round alternating tabata drinking and eating + amrap theatre and cool down round of team walking back to car in downtown beating off muggers and drug addicts for time…

shout-out to Chelsea! Thanks for spotting on the bench and making sure that i didn’t crush myself

as rx’d
DP 220 – 11-0-0(dropped wight to 205 got a couple)
DL 330 – 6-6-6
C 165 2-4-4

No problem Chad, happy to help. Nice lifting by the way, that was some serious weight on the bench.
Scaled workout
Bench 95 15/13/14
DL 185 8/8/8
Cleans 6/6/6
Pull-ups and Burpees 21/15/9 4:58.
Thanks DJ and Kris.

Great WOD! Doubled as my TT homework 🙂

Clean – scaled to 47 lbs
10, 8, 9 = 27
Bench press – scaled to 60 lbs
15, 14, 11 = 40
Deadlift – scaled to 122 lbs
12, 12, 13 = 37

1. Did ring dips (purple band assisted) instead of Bench press
2. DL @ 135lbs
3. Cleans @ 70lbs
Thanks Kris, great class!

BP: 1@95# whoops/the rest at 75#: 4/10/9
DL(slightly higher then 1.5BW) 205 8/7/6
cleans slightly less than 75% – 95# should have just done the right amount..) 6/7/5
good one, thanks Kris!

BP: 135: 14, 9, 5 = 28
DL: 225: 9, 9, 9 = 27
C: 125: 6, 6, 5 = 17
Sequence was Clean, Bench, Deadlift.

As Rx’d BW=175 (only have 1 bar so a little extra rest changing plates)
175# Bench – 14-9-6
265# Dead – 11-8-9
135# Clean – 8-7-7

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