Friday, February 5, 2010
3 rounds of 1:00 on 1:00 off
1. Bench Press
2. Deadlift
3. Clean
Coach’s notes: Guys and gals use bodyweight for the bench press, 1.5 times bodyweight for deadlift and 0.75 times bodyweight for clean. Post reps for each exercise per round to comments.
Bench Press scaled to 122.5 Ibs
5+ 4 + 4 = 13
Dead lift @ 235 Ibs
16+17+16= 49
Clean @ 105Ibs
10+ 6 +5 = 21
Thanks DJ …great class.
Bench Press scaled to 70#
13, 11, 10 = 34
Dead Lift scaled to 125#
11, 10, 7 = 28
Cleans scaled to 62#
6, 7, 6 = 19
Bench 185
6/5/4 = 15
Dead lift 225
8/10/10 = 28
Cleans 135
7/8/7 = 22
BP: 130 – 8, 6, 5 = 19
DL: 225 – 10,10,10 = 30
C: 115 – 5,5,7 = 17
1 round alternating tabata drinking and eating + amrap theatre and cool down round of team walking back to car in downtown beating off muggers and drug addicts for time…
shout-out to Chelsea! Thanks for spotting on the bench and making sure that i didn’t crush myself
as rx’d
DP 220 – 11-0-0(dropped wight to 205 got a couple)
DL 330 – 6-6-6
C 165 2-4-4
No problem Chad, happy to help. Nice lifting by the way, that was some serious weight on the bench.
Scaled workout
Bench 95 15/13/14
DL 185 8/8/8
Cleans 6/6/6
Pull-ups and Burpees 21/15/9 4:58.
Thanks DJ and Kris.
Great WOD! Doubled as my TT homework 🙂
Clean – scaled to 47 lbs
10, 8, 9 = 27
Bench press – scaled to 60 lbs
15, 14, 11 = 40
Deadlift – scaled to 122 lbs
12, 12, 13 = 37
1. Did ring dips (purple band assisted) instead of Bench press
2. DL @ 135lbs
3. Cleans @ 70lbs
Thanks Kris, great class!
BP: 1@95# whoops/the rest at 75#: 4/10/9
DL(slightly higher then 1.5BW) 205 8/7/6
cleans slightly less than 75% – 95# should have just done the right amount..) 6/7/5
good one, thanks Kris!
BP: 135: 14, 9, 5 = 28
DL: 225: 9, 9, 9 = 27
C: 125: 6, 6, 5 = 17
Sequence was Clean, Bench, Deadlift.
As Rx’d BW=175 (only have 1 bar so a little extra rest changing plates)
175# Bench – 14-9-6
265# Dead – 11-8-9
135# Clean – 8-7-7