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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, February 29, 2008

James gets interviewed in Santa Cruz


‘Fight Gone Bad’ – 3 rounds for reps:


1.         Wallball

2.         Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDLHP)

3.         Box Jump

4.         Push Press

5.         Row (calories)

6.         Rest 1 minute


Coach’s notes:  For this workout perform 1 minute at each exercise with no rest between.  Once you have done all 5 exercises, rest for 1 minute exactly, then repeat for 3 rounds.  Record the number of reps for each exercise in each round (this takes a bit of record keeping, so have pen and paper handy).  For guys the wallball is done using 20 lb and gals using 12lb.  For guys the SDLHP and Push Press are done using 75 lb and gals using 55lb.  Box jump is to 20 inches.  For the row use calories as reps.  If this is your first time have fun!  Post total reps as a score to comments.

Comments: 10

“And when I set the record for Helen, you guys better post it up on your board!”

oh my god, i don’t even want to think about doing this, my legs are still aching from all the squats on tuesday!!!

WB 17.5# — 25-20-20=65
SDLHP 70#–15-16-15=46
Box Jump —-15-12-12=39
P-Press 70# –17-15-18=50
Row ———–8–8—8-=24

I missed yesterday and didn’t think I could do “Fight gone bad” properly at my work gym, so per Thursday WOD:

Row 800m/40 Deadlift/Row 600m/20 Deadlift/Row 400m/10 Deadlift/Row 200m

As Rx’d (DL=BW=157lb), 15:25

(My legs are STILL sore from Tuesday….and tomorrow, I’ll feel it in my back too)

After golfing in Las Vegas for 4 days, it is tough to get back into the swing of things.

35lb R/H power snatch
35lb L/H power snatch
Pull ups
Time = 7:28

Row calories
for Time

Row (Cal)
For time = 4:23

Tired. Nice reintroduction into Crossfit.

This was ef’in hard!!
DeeJay – 322 as Rx’d
Brittany – 249 as Rx’d except for SDLHP subbed 45lbs

274 – SDLHP & Pushpress @ 45
Need to wear my high-heeled runners so that I don’t have to throw the ball so far next time! Definitely the lowest # of reps came from wallballs.
Congrats to Kimmer — you are the bored girl, I mean “Board Girl”


268 as rx’d

Great work Kim and same DeeJay and Brittany.

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