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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, February 27, 2009

As many rounds in 20 minutes:

5 clapping push-ups

10 Sit-ups

15 Squats

Coach’s notes:  Post number of rounds complete to comments.


Due to city inspection and equipment shipment delays we will need to delay our CFC HQ opening by one week.  Classes will be operating out of OPT as usual from March 1, – March 7, 2009.  Official opening of the new facility will be on Sunday, March 8.  Membership fees will be prorated to reflect this delay.  For more information or inquiries please contact admin@crossfitcalgary.ca 


Comments: 7

19 rounds + 5 clapping push-ups

Took a short break and finished up with tabata double-unders for 207 reps.

I subbed clapping PU with PU from toes
17 rounds + 5PU, 10 SU, 10 squats

Modified: back ext replaced push-ups
5 squats short of 25 rounds

24 rnds + pushups + 1 situp

24 rnds clapping push ups were kneeling

As rxd

27 rounds + 5 pushups + 10 sit ups

could have hit 30+ rounds if I would have pushed it….but after Karen the day before my legs were a little tight…

18 rds + 5 + 3

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