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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, February 15, 2008


Deadlift  – 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3     

Coach’s notes:  Find the most you can lift in the deadlift for 3 reps.  Rest as you see fit between sets, somewhere between 2 and 7 minutes.

Comments: 7

Found out this am that my upper back/chest pain is a result of a rib out of alignment. Needless to say, heavy deadlift is NOT what the Chiropractor ordered. (If anybody out there has experience with this, please let me know)

5K run instead. 20min30sec.

348/358/374/389/404 as Rx’d

155/165/175/185/195/204/214/224/229 as Rx’d

Hey Pierre. I sublexed a rib a month or so ago, I found that massage helped me alot, also if you have access to a foam roller just roll it out. Even a pc pipe will work. Other then that, I simply just didn’t do something if it hurt giving it rest, it felt 100% a week or 2 later.

Started @155, increased by 5#’s, ending weight 204.
Good job, Kimmer! You were still REALLY strong.
And to the rest of the Fri. night crew as well — good job.

A1. Front Squat – 5,5,5,5,5; 120 sec

A2. Dips – 5,4,3,2,1; 120 sec

B1. OHS – 10,10,10,10,10; 90 sec

B2. chin ups – amrap x 5; 120 sec

500 m row sprint x 1


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