Friday, December 31, 2010
A. Clean and Jerk – build to a heavy double in 10 minutes
B. 3 rounds for time:
Row 250 m
25 Unbroken Wallballs 20#/14#
Coach’s notes: Post load for A and time for B to comments.
A. Clean and Jerk – build to a heavy double in 10 minutes
B. 3 rounds for time:
Row 250 m
25 Unbroken Wallballs 20#/14#
Coach’s notes: Post load for A and time for B to comments.
The chocolates and the wine did not help my lifting! Made it to 67 pounds. 10 mins for B with 10lb ball and less than “unbroken” reps. Alas! Time to reflect, intend and vision Cross Fit Rx for 2011…. a recycled 2010 NY resolution!
May all of you in the amazing community of Cross Fit Calgary have a wonderfully magical beginning to 2011. I am truly grateful for the incredible waves of energy and friendship that come with my membership. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Well said Yazmin!!!
A – made it up to 100lbs; wrists were limiting me a fair bit. Need to get some more flexibility in them so that I can bring this weight up.
B – 7:27 as Rx’d. Damper set to 7 on the row.
Happy New Year everybody!
Happy New Year everyone from Argentina
Did cleans power cleans, jerks, and bench press
Ran 250 m+thrusters with 4kg/hand (3rds)
Time 8:14
A. 82 lbs
B. 10:10- #10- last set broken twice-my head said unbroken, my chest cold said otherwise.
A. worked up to 120 failed on jerk of 2nd rep 🙁
B. round 1 and 2- wallballs unbroken round 3 -22+3 (that hurt soooo much)….not sure on time…9 something i think
Thanks Trevor and Rebecca & KP for partnering!
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy 2011 everyone!!! Tax, I echo your words – we have an amazing xfit community!
A. Worked up to 125
B. 9:45 round 1 wallballs UB, not so much for rounds 2&3
Thanks Trevor, great work everyone!
Michelle, thanks for always making me smile!!!
duh! that would be Yaz… and no I didn’t type it wrong – damn autocorrect Grrrrrrr…
A: 150lbs
B: 6:59 as rx’d