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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, December 25, 2009

“FUCT” – 10 Rounds for reps:


1:00 Squats

1:00 Rest


Coach’s notes:  Post number of reps per round and total to comments.


 Compare to March 21, 2009


CFC will be closed today for the Christmas Day holiday.  We are open again Boxing Day and will be running regularly scheduled classes. 



Comments: 5

Ohhhh it’s the Christmas special….done this one and you are definately “Fuct”. Merry Christmas Everyone and all the best in 2010…Neil, Judy, James and Alyssa Phyper and our other son Evan whom we hope one day will hang out with everyone at Crossfit.

Did this one wearing my new 40lb weight vest!!!! 24/24/24/24/23/25/26/24/25/28, definately feeling the extra weight. Merry Christmas everyone.

sweet chelsea! u will have to bring that in for some workouts!


This one was a definite gut check lol I was afraid of stairs afterwards

62/59/53/50/50/51/50/50/52/57 Probably could’ve kept it at 51, MAYBE 52 through the middle, but pushed pretty hard on this one, form went to hell, but made sure to keep full range of motion, just bent my back forward alot when fatigued.

Oh, forgot to post the total Total: 534

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