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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, December 24, 2010


30 Clean and Jerk for time 


Coach’s notes:  Guys use 135 lbs and gals 95 lbs for the C&J, or scale as needed.  Post time to complete to comments.

Compare to October 24, 2010 and November 1, 2009

Comments: 14

6:40 scaled to 75# The cleans were fine just getting the weight overhead gave me a bit of trouble. Thanks, Gord.
I wish all of the CFC community a very Merry Christmas!!

4:04 as Rx’d – Thanks Gord for the great class.
Merry Christmas to all the CFC’ers!

5:35 as Rx’d. First time doing this one but dissapointed.

Even though Grace and I aren’t “dating”, I’d like to see her again…I think she wants me to put out more next time.

2:55 as rx’d…Santa listened for my wish of a sub 3 and Christmas came early!!! Thanks Rebecca for counting and Gord for the consistent yelling!

Merry Christmas to everyone and enjoy the holidays!!!

105 lbs


Good weight for me. 110 might have been doable too.

5:31 as rx’d- PR by 19 seconds from October…Thanks Gord!
Erin….Yipee! Kimmer, amazing time!
As always, Thank you Michelle 🙂

3:52 as rx’d The last time I have done this was when we used to do xfit up at OPT time then was 5:23. Thanks for the encouragement everyone! Thanks Gord!
Merry Christmas everyone

6:26 as RxD

Thanks Gord for the Information today. It was quite intimidating doing this workout for the first time with Michelle, the Queen of Grace, at the gym.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

8:54 @ 95#

Merry Christmas everybody!

I think for the first time ever I am jealous of Alvaro! Sun and surf would be an awesome way to spend the holidays!

5:26 as rx. PR
Lilien – 8:55 @ 85lbs

9:26 as rx’d. First time ever! Thanks Gord for the push to 135, you were right:) Great energy in there today, loved it.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!
That was a very good day!!!

Did this on December 27.
5:57 as rx’d. I won’t lie, first Crossfit workout in about 5 weeks.
Thank goodness Ali was there to keep me from crying.

Did a 4000m row after to sweat out Christmas Stuffing. Didn’t watch the time but pushed the last 1000m hard.

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