Friday, August 7, 2009
“Filthy Fifties”
1 Round for time:
50 Box Jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 KB Swings, 1 pood
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press, 45 lbs
50 Back Extensions
50 Wallballs, 20/14 lbs ball
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Coach’s notes: Here’s another chance to get on the board! Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to March 4, 2009
Important Reminder – CFC is hosting a Level II certification on Wednesday, August 12 and Thursday, August 13 and a Level I certification on Saturday, August 15 and Sunday, August 16. Therefore a modified class schedule will be in effect during these certification times. On Wednesday there will be no 9:30 am class but the evening classes will run as scheduled and on Thursday the only class cancellation will be the 9:30 am class. On Saturday and Sunday, all classes will be cancelled with the exception of the POSE running class which will run as scheduled. Thank you for your understanding.
A rowing certification has been added to the list of certifications that CFC HQ is hosting. Click here for more detials and to register.
As RX except DU
Did 105 singles instead
36:18 – As rx’d EXCEPT 5% of my knees to elbows were knees to triceps. I should have just redone them but I can’t always think clearly and crossfit at the same time. Next time for sure. Thanks Laura and well done Chantal and Carmen!
44:55 modified
high knees instead of knees to elbows
15″ box for box jump
8lb ball for wall balls
25 wall balls with 1 pd and 25 with .7 pd
As rx’d 32:30
As rx’d 40:03
35:01 modified
20″ box jumps
12 lb wall balls
45:15 Modified
Box jump medium steel box (16″?)
.7 pd kb
knees to general vicinty of elbows
45 lb push press
14 lb wall balls.
Laura, Thanks for the push!
as rx’d 47:59
Bonked on the wallballs
forced it to a finish
totally drained.
I’ll get you next time… filthy
Knees to Elbows were pretty pathetic, otherwise as rx’d 28:40. Thanks for the push Laura and Michelle.
25:53 as rx’d.
PR by 3:09 (well, first time exactly as rx’d). I probably improved on my burpees by 2:30, and 0:39 was picked up in the rest of the movements. I still see some room for improvement, particularly on the K2E, wallballs and burpees.
As rx’d 29:19
Thanks for the encouragement along the way Laura and Michelle!
“Rowing Helen” @ Crossfit Coeur D’Alene
3 rounds- 500m row, 21 55# Dumbell Swing, 12 Pull ups
as Rxd= 10:34
Last row didnt feel great, swings were slower than using KB but unbroken, pullups unbroken
Row times 1:42, 1:47, 1:51. Maybe paced those too much.
Showed up at 7:00 like a moron, was thinking about this wod since last night… oh well, another time.
Instead did a 5K row at U of C.
Sub 19 next time.
37:43 as rx’d. My wallballs were so slow… it’s a killer for short people!