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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Friday, August 29, 2008

CFC Kids

Pull-ups on the minute


Coach’s notes:  Post the number of completed minutes and partial round to comments.

Compare to July 1, 2008

Comments: 8

only got to 7 rounds, plus 4. Then did another 15 without the clock running.

Are those kids using the POSE method? Nice form!

got 11 rounds ban assisted then another 10+1 on number 12

16 rounds + 12

11 rounds + 6

Still shouldn’t do pull-ups due to elbow problem.
Instead “Randy”. 75 reps of 75lb power snatch for time. 7:41

July 1 – 12+9
Today 12+10

10 rounds + 8

July 1 – 12+9
August 29 – 12+10
November 2 – 12+8
Tried to push past previous best
Lost my grip on #9 and hit the floor
Should have rested then grabbed a few more

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